Has anyone ever heard of "Keiffer", not Sutherland!

It's a yummy concoction of like 1/2 milk, 1/2 yogurt filled with all the good bacteria for our intestines. I start full liquids tomorrow and am wondering if this would be safe...any thoughts? (I will double check w/doc on Wed. but I thought I'd get your thoughts if possible...btw, I am three days post-op, doing great!    — rebeccamayhew (posted on April 7, 2002)

April 7, 2002
Rebecca, I don't know anything about Keiffer, but I just wanted to say congrats on your surgery! I remember your pre-op posts from just a little while back, and now here you are on the other side. That seemed so <i>quick</i>. :-) I'm so glad that all went well. Best wishes with your recovery!
   — Tally

April 7, 2002
Rebecca, If, on the full liquid diet, you can have things like creamed soups and sf/ff pudding, the Keiffer sounds like it would be about the same consistency. Unless the yogurt has big lumps of fruit, I'd think it would be fine.
   — garw

April 7, 2002
I like it but I wonder about the sugar content of Keiffer. I would like to hear how you did with it... I am a pre op but I am gald to hear about this possibility!
   — Grace M.

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