what exactly determines amount of weight loss?

is it pouch size or amount of intestine bypassed? also, what determines long term success (besides following eating and exercising regimen). just wondering what questions to ask my dr on my next visit. i want to be able to understand what he means when he talks about distal vs. proximal. i am 5'4 and 270lbs. i would like to lose 120 - 130lbs. is that too much to hope for?    — nikki R. (posted on April 5, 2002)

April 5, 2002
On my four week post op visit with my surgeon, I expressed concern that I could already eat almost a half of cup of food (at the time, pureed/softs) at a sitting. I was sure I was never going to lose weight because of that - still in that "this surgery is not going to work for me" mode. :) My pouch is 4 oz and I'm really not sure if my RNY is considered distal or proximal, but it's 180cm and my doc explained that I shouldn't panic about the volume. Apparently 4 oz of food per sitting is good and healthy and my 180cm bypass will help me to lose weight. As far as what you can hope for...I can't help you. I don't think anyone can. Although, I personally like to think that there is no such thing as too much hoping in life, I am only seven weeks post op and have already learned that I have to adjust my pre-op goals. I conduct my eating and drinking in the matter prescribed as if it were religion and I was a fanatic, and I walk four miles every day. Alas...I've only lost about 42 ( friend confiscated my scale last week) pounds when I see others losing much faster. This is just how my body wants to do it, I guess. It doesn't matter though, I still feel better than ever! Good Luck!
   — PaulaM

April 5, 2002
There is a chart "Predict your weight loss" which I found to be very accurate. OSSGMN.COM click on the left side "LINKS" and scroll down to the predict your weight loss chart. (ossgmn is obesity surgery support group of MN)
   — ZZ S.

April 5, 2002
Pouch size is usually a % of the original stomach. Usually around 9% with the rny. You have 20 feet of small intestine, how much is bypassed varies from doctor to doctor. You can have proximal(closer), medial(middile), or distal(longest). I havn't seen a consistant breakdown for all three, but it doesn't really matter it's just a lable anyway. Most people I have talked to are between 3 and 8 feet bypassed. Results are as always individual. I had six feet and I am considered proximal. Eating and exercise are 99% of long term success, sorry very litte else matters.
   — Roger T.

July 29, 2002
You have my EXACT stats when I had my RNY on 8-13-01. I have lost 130 lbs so far...still loosing about 4-5 lbs. per month. Who would have known I have small bones??? I wear a size small now (some xtra smalls), but the skin on my pannus keeps me in size 12 bottoms. I had a 1 oz. pouch and 60 cm bypassed (considered proximal). Wouldn't change a thing. Hope this helps!
   — sandieguy

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