Has anyone ever woke up at night feeling very shaky, light headed, tingling sensation

from head to toe and feel like you are going to faint? I'm one week post op. This is happening to me. I know I am still weak. My blood sugar never runs high.....usually 90 after juice. Could it be low blood sugar?    — Bonnie H. (posted on March 18, 2002)

March 18, 2002
You should contact your doctor/surgeon IMMEDIATELY! And definately have your potassium checked for one thing. It sounds alittle like my problems with low potassium and that can cause heart problems. You could have something else going on instead, but in any case see a doctor right away. Better safe than sorry.
   — Danmark

March 18, 2002
There is such a thing as delayed dumping. If you are drinking juice, that's a high sugar liquid and it could hit you several hours later. Can you have you glucometer handy at 3am and check it on the spot? I know when my blood sugar bottoms out, I can barely work the machine, so you'd have to be ready. Of course, your doc is where you need to go, but it would be helpful for him to know if your BS drops through the floor at night, and how many hours after drinking juice or milk or other high sugar items.
   — vitalady

March 18, 2002
Call your doctor right away... before you go to sleep tonight. Blood sugar problems is one possibility, but other deficiencies can do things like screw up your electrolytes which is a sensitive biochemical "recipe" that does important things like keep your heart beating! I don't want to alarm you unnecessarily, but these symptoms need to be investigated SOON! Best wishes.
   — Nancy G.

March 18, 2002
check your blood sugar BEFORE drinking the the nursing home we give juice to quickly bring blood sugars up...
   — paula B.

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