I have been fat my whole life and always looked at getting thin as the

solution for all my problems. Now I'm 1 yr. post-op from a RNY and have lost over 160 lbs. Okay, so now I'm relatively thin, but my life is just the same as it was before except it's obviously easier to get around and I have better health. I'm starting to feel somewhat depressed and confused. Since I have NEVER been thin in my life, I always thought being skinny would be the key to all my dreams. I'm finding out it's just not that different being a skinny person. Anybody else feel this way?    — [Anonymous] (posted on March 7, 2002)

March 7, 2002
Congratulations on your wonderful success! So what are you going to do now that this job is "done"? How you feel I think is very normal. Its like that day after Christmas feeling and what do you do now? This is where you get to live this life and have one less difficulty to carry around with you daily. You can work to try to change things that need changing. Think of the serenity prayer and change what you can and accept what you can't. Its a reminder to us all that this surgery is not a quick fix for all things awry in our lives but it removes one barrier. Have you thought of counseling either with a psychologist or a group session to talk through some of how you are feeling. One thing that really has helped me over the years is making lists: This is where my life is now -- things I like about my life -- Things I don't like (and be specific). Then look at each item and think about how you can change that and if you abolutely can't then accept it. But remember too that with change sometimes it has to come in baby steps. But for now, you've made a tremendous accomplishment. I for one am very proud of you!
   — AJC750

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