Are B12 shots absolutely mandatory?

I had an open RNY about a year ago. Since that time, I've had a complete blood panel run twice. Both times, my vitamin and protein levels (and whatever else they measure) have been completely normal. So I guess this question is directed at all you long-term post ops. Is it really necessary to keep having blood panels run ever 6 months and to get routine B12 shots? Is there a chance all this stuff won't be necessary for me?    — Terissa R. (posted on February 21, 2002)

February 21, 2002
First, I am not post-op. I would think you do need to get your levels checked on a regular basis. One of the long-term post-op complications can be not getting enough of essential vitamins and minerals. You didn't say if you are taking B12 shots or not. If you're not, you may not ever need them.
   — garw

February 21, 2002
You don't need to get B12 shots, but you do need to take B12. The best way to absorb the B12 is to take it sublingually. You can buy sublingual B12 tabs at Trader Joe's for $6 (100 ct.) or at your local GNC for a little bit more. These are easy to take, twice a week, pop it under your tongue, it dissolves and that's it.
   — tmrivas

February 21, 2002
Hi, me again. I'm the original poster. I just wanted to first of all let everyone know that I take a regular daily vitamin but that's about it. Will this provide enough B12, or is further supplementation necessary???
   — Terissa R.

February 21, 2002
As long as your surgery remains intact, you will need to have your labs drawn regularly. My B12 didn't fall until 6 yrs out. It held within reasonable levels (although steadily falling) using no B12 products at all. I was waiting & caught it before it bottomed out. My husband's followed the same pattern, didn't fall til 6 yrs. We both do shots, so much easier for us. The pair of multi-vites and the 2000mg of calcium citrate are a good start, but we also malabsorb the fat soluble vites to a degree, too. Hopefully they will check those levels, too and schedule your dexascan when you hit a year out.
   — vitalady

February 21, 2002
Boy, for me they sure are mandatory! I take the shots twice a month. I hope I don't have to for to many years though. ;)
   — Danmark

February 21, 2002
I am 2 years postop and believe we should be checked every year and BTC pushes that. I have never had a B12 shot and did take some sunliguals the first 6 months because I thought I should. For the last 18 months I have taken 2 chewables a day, and calcium supps, plus chondroitin and glucosomine for joint health and my labs came back great. BUT, I will continue to check them every year to watch for changes:)
   — M B.

February 22, 2002
One of the biggest thing to continue to have your labs taken annually after you are a long-term post-op is to provide FACTUAL STATISTICS to bariatric surgeons, pcps, and potential wls patients. I'll be having mine done annually for a lifetime for this very reason. Not much to give back to the wls community in exchange for a second chance at life!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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