I had an open RNY 11 months ago. Now my dr. says my gallbladder needs to be removed.

Can anyone tell me what to expect? How long will I be in the hospital? What type of incision will I have? What kind of changes will I need to make to my diet afterward? My doctor said it's related to my rapid weight loss.    — Terissa R. (posted on January 30, 2002)

January 30, 2002
I had my gall bladder out about 18 months ago. They were going to do it lap and then had to convert to open. The scar starts about four inches below my breasts (in the middle) and then goes down diagonally to the right for about 5 inches. You probably won't have to make any big diet changes. After the gall bladder, high fat meals can be a problem, but since you're WLS post op, you're probably not doing those anyway.
   — garw

February 4, 2002
I had my WLS on 05-29-01 and my gall bladder removed on 09-07-01. They did it open. It wasn't as bad as the WLS and the eating habits did not have to change, but let me tell you, after it was out, I sure felt better. Good luck and God bless you!
   — Annette C.

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