I am 10.5 months post-op and can eat 1500 calories!

I am 10.5 months post-op and down 165 lbs. I have another 50 or so to go. Problem is, I monitored myself this week, and I'm eating 1500-1600 calories per day! Have I stretched my pouch, or is this normal??? Is there any hope of getting off the last 50 lbs.? I work out 4 days per week, get adequate protein & water, etc. I've noticed I can hold about 1 cup of food at one time, and I eat 4 meals per day usually.    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 24, 2002)

January 24, 2002
Just because you can eat 1,500 calories doesn't mean you should. Are you focusing on protein first, then veggies, then carbs? Four cups of food a day isn't a lot of food, just watch what the food is.
   — [Anonymous]

January 24, 2002
I too am 10 months out, and for the last few months, just stopped losing. However, I have been noncompliant from the start, hated the protein drinks, hated taking vitamins, ate sugar.. yeah I know.. that's bad.. but I've lost 95 pounds and I'm happy. I'd like to lose more, but if I don't, I don't care. I'm happy because I could have never lost 95 pounds w/o the surgery. I think its normal that you're eating 1500 calories. I've often asked my surgeon when I have some dietary indiscretions have I "stretched my pouch".. he says, no way.. and at times, there will be occasions when you can eat more than other times and not to worry about it, so I dont!
   — [Anonymous]

January 24, 2002
You know, I was thinking about this. You could easily eat 1500 calories a day eating just candy or fatty things. I would say it also would have to depend on "what" you are eating. I am sure that I eat that many calories a day also but, I have also lost all my weight and am maintaining at that calorie level for the last 2 years. I think that possibly, 1500 calories are alittle high to still lose but I still say it also depends on what you are eating to get those calories. I eat alot of proteins...meat and veggies. 1200 seems to be the norm to lose and that wouldn't take too much to lower your calorie level.
   — Barbara H.

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