Surgery is in 11 days - Not scared, How do I get excited?

Hi all. I've been reading this site for 8 months. My surgery date is coming up in 11 days. When I read posts of soon to be post-ops, I see how nervous they are and excited and giddy. But I' m not any of those things. I'm not nervous, excited or giddy. My friends keep calling me lately saying "you must be so excited" and "are you nervous" etc... and I say I'm fine. I haven't really thought about the surgery coming up. For eight months I have read this site EVERY DAY and anticipated my turn. Now it IS my turn, and it just seems like another day to me. WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME!!!! How can I get excited about this! I've wanted it for so long!    — Goldilauxx B. (posted on January 5, 2002)

January 5, 2002
Hello Cyndie, I was not scared either for some reason. I Felt very comfortable, even the night before.I think maybe because I knew i was doing the right thing, confidence in my surgeon,etc...After all the rat race testing, I think that is the hardest part of all for me anyway. I just felt relief when THAT was over, the rest was just a lil free time til the day got here, worry free. So, your not the only one, when others would say, are you nervous? I would t say no, I feel very comfortable with my decision. Good luck to you!
   — Marie A.

January 5, 2002
For the entire week before my surgery... every night until 1 or 2am I would look at the Before and After gallery of pictures on this site and sit at my computer crying I was so happy I was getting my chance. Right now I believe your excitement is being cancelled out by You need a heavy dose of major postive and there is no better place than the before and after's. I just looked at the new ones 2 minutes ago and I am blown away once again!
   — SusanMaria

January 5, 2002
Attend a support group meeting, or take a post op to dinner. Socializing with successes will help you feel better about YOUR decision. It NORMAL to be nervous, just wait, Post op is THE place to be!!!
   — bob-haller

January 5, 2002
I think you have waited so long that you're afraid it might not happen so you don't want to get excited so you won't be disappointed. You're going to be a knock-out!!! There's nothing wrong with you -- you're just trying to protect your feelings. Good luck and keep us posted.
   — Betty Todd

January 5, 2002
There is nothing wrong with you...what you are feeling is at ease with your decision. You know that this is the right step for you to take, so therefore you are not getting yourself all worked up over it. I was excited up until about a week before my surgery, then I went into "prep mode", as I called it. Get the house cleaned, make provisions for the kids, the dog and the husband. I think it is called "nesting" when you are about to have a's called "prepping" when you have surgery. Don't get nervous about not being nervous. See you on the other side.
   — Mustang

January 5, 2002
Don't worry about not worrying. I also waited 8 months for my surgery. All of that time was spent researching and preparing. By the time it was TIME, I was confident in my decision. I was never nervous, or scared, just at peace about the whole thing. Even up until the hours before surgery. I was thankful that I wasn't a nervous wreck because I very well expected to be after reading many posts about freaking out before surgery. Maybe it was all of the time I had in planning for the big day. It sounds like you are at ease with all of this, so relax.
   — Cheri M.

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