If you have a lap RNY, and you have a leak....

Will they fix the leak by lap or will they then open you up?    — Goldilauxx B. (posted on December 8, 2001)

December 8, 2001
They will fix it Lap if possible, then convert to a open if they cant fix it Lap. Leaks are serious but rare, occuring in less than 2% of all WLS.
   — bob-haller

December 17, 2001
They found a leak the next day and it was done Lap.
   — Laura M.

February 15, 2002
My surgeon does a leak test on the table and then two days after. He said during surgery everything is swollen so you may not catch the leak. I have one staple that leaked five seconds after I drank that yucky stuff. He said it is not serious. It may fix itself. If not he will go back in after I lose 100 pounds. He will either do Lap or through Endoscopy. He said there is a glue they use.
   — hessie28

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