Heard that you shouldn't take calcium and iron at the same time.

Does anyone know WHY and what it will do to you?    — [Anonymous] (posted on November 3, 2001)

November 3, 2001
Iron is a very fussy element. It doesn't WANT to cooperate in any way! If you take iron with other vites or meds, it is the iron that will not absorb. You may find yourself constipated, or having "tar poop", thick, sticky stool. If it's in the toilet, you didn't get much of it. It's pretty easy to take your iron + vit C together and give them an hour alone before taking the rest of your regimen throughout the day. You'll want to space out your calcium citrates, too, 500mg per dose.
   — vitalady

November 4, 2001
You shouldn't take them together because one binds at the molecular level to the other (I don't remember which to which). At any rate, you don't absorb either as effectively when you take them together. Give it at least an hour in between. And don't take iron with caffiene. Caffiene binds the iron and takes it through your system and out - you don't get the proper amount of it.
   — Danette H.

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