Ladies and Gentlemen, I need your expertise....

I just returned from the ER because I have been having severe abdominal pain. I am 8 weeks post op. The pain started at around 8 in the morning. I thought it was gas because it was right there around my navel but covering my entire abdomen around to my back. I was feeling light headed, nausea, but the worst was the awful cramps. Like I said, I was convinced it was gas. I took a pain pill, and tried to go to the bathroom. I had a BM, but not as much as I normally do. However, I had a busy day the previous day and didn't get my normal amount of water or food in. (Boy will I never do that again.)When the pain didn't dissappear by 3:00 I started worrying about bowel obstruction, leakage ect.... So I went to the ER. They took most of my blood, examined me, made me drink some stuff that would numb my stomach and stop spasms if that was what I was having. It didn't even phase the pain. He gave me a great pain shot that knocked the pain out for about 11/2 hours. I took several xrays. He said it isn't gas, not bowel obstruction, not leakage, not gallbladder (since I had mine out with my RNY). He said he thought it may be an ulcer but that I would have to have further tests when I followed up with my GP. He gave me some prilosec and percocet. First question: Anyone got any clue as to what this may be. Second question: Are we aloud to take percocet On a scale of 1-10 my pain was around 8-9.    — [Anonymous] (posted on October 25, 2001)

October 25, 2001
My surgeon prescribed Percocet post-op in the hospital and at home for pain. Percocet is tylenol based and not considered harmful to the stomach( or new pouch).

October 25, 2001
I'm concerned/curious that you didn't mention getting in touch with your surgeon. Not all docs are well versed enough in these procedures to know what to specifically look for. Have you talked to your surgeon?
   — Karen S.

October 25, 2001
Sounds like it could be pancreatitus. There is a blood test that will tell if it is but a lot of Doctors don't check for it. Call your surgeon.
   — MARSHA D.

October 25, 2001
Wow! What you wrote is exactly what I went thru back in June...first time I went to the ER they did all the tests on me and couldn't figure out what it time I went, they did a CAT scan and found that I had a Kidney Stone! I thought I had a bowel obstruction also, because you feel crampy and it feels like if you could just "go" the pain would go away! I wasn't able to catch the stone when it finally passed, so it couldn't be analyzed to find the source,but my doctor feels it was due to the increased amount of calcium in my system because of the supplements I'm taking and because I wasn't getting in enough water..sound familiar?! Now I drink at least 2 quarts a day, and I've backed off a little on the supplements and haven't had another stone...keeping my fingers crossed...the pain was about 8-9 for the first ER trip, but was a 10+++ for the second! And percocet is an acceptable pain med for us...but I would tell them you would rather have diloted (sp?) less side effects! Good luck and email me if you have any other ?s...hugs! Nicole
   — DolcezzaVT

October 26, 2001
I am only three weeks postop, and when I was 6 days postop I had a similar experience, which I detailed in my profile. My doctor admitted me because I wasn't even able to keep down my own saliva, let alone food or water. I had multiple tests, including upper GI, CT and ultrasound, and I didn't have a leak, but did have pancreatitis. This can be determined by symptoms and blood test (amylase and lipase levels - both pancreatic enzymes). The pain I had was much higher, however, and if I tried to lay to the side it would cause me to vomit. The nausea was horrible, and I equated the pain (though I don't have children) to something that must feel like childbirth! Within days the symptoms subsided, and I was released from the hospital in about five days, but the levels have yet to go down. I had my gallbladder out at the time of surgery. They thought there might be a residual stone in a duct. Everything I read on the internet about pancreatitis, however, says it can be brought on by abdominal surgery. Who knows. Just make sure you can get fluid in, because if you can't, then you need to be hospitalized for IV fluids. Good luck, and let us know what comes of it.
   — Jennifer P.

October 26, 2001
I'd call my surgeon...pronto! As someone else said...many docs aren't attuned to the special needs and problems of wls patients. You are only 8 weeks post-op and you really should let your surgeon evaluate this situation.
   — [Anonymous]

October 26, 2001
Hi There. I too went through something similar. They did all the tests and gave me ulcer medication. I didn't take it, I was too sick. But, in a few days the pain went away and never came back. I'm not saying this is what is wrong with you. What I am saying is that when you take PERCOCET, make sure you take a stool softener or drink lots of WATER. Nothing will bind you like those pain pills!!! That sent me BACK to the ER with an impaction. Be careful, God bless and let us know what happens.
   — Trisha V.

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