Pain in ribs

Has anyone had alittle bit of pain in your ribs at 7 weeks out? Probably for most people it would be a little bit but for me I am aching all over. Probably just getting things back to where they were but I'd like to know if anyone else has had this experience and how long does it last.    — [Anonymous] (posted on October 15, 2001)

October 15, 2001
Yes, I had pain in my ribs on and off up until the 12th or 13th week.
   — [Anonymous]

October 15, 2001
I had pain in my ribs for a few months. When I asked my surgeon about this, I was told it was because of the rib retractors as they held me open. It was just sore and tender and after a few months, it went away. I wish you luck
   — enjo4

October 15, 2001
I'm two years post-op open RNY. I've occassionally had pain in the ribs also. I honestly think it's been different things at different times. At the beginning,(as you are), I think mine was from the anesthesia gas they gave me, or just plain old gas pains getting everything going again (as you said). They went away for quite a while. Last spring rib pain began again, but felt a little different. When the pains were getting fairly often, and more painful, I checked with the doctor. It was my gall bladder. I doubt that could be the cause this early for you though. There ARE products on the market, but I personally like chamomile or peppermint tea(both are herbal teas). I buy the Celestial Seasonings brand, chamomile with spearmint leaves, "Sleepy Time", (comes in a green box), or red and white box, peppermint tea, (made out of peppermint leaves). These are very relaxing, mentally and to your system. They really smell good, are soothing to your stomach, and are good for gas and nausea. If the pain keeps up, check with your doctor, don't take any chances. Pay attention to when the pains occur, what you've eaten, had to drink, any meds or vitamins you've had, and how soon the pain begins before or after taking them. Be your own best friend and advocate and take care of yourself. Good Luck!
   — tammy R.

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