Show of hands - How many of us actually get the whole 64 oz. of water in and 4-6 meal

every 2 hours or so that your suppossed to. And how post op are you? Like I said - I'm 6 weeks, and now can get in 32 oz. but I'm constantly trying to figure out a better way. I love water and I don't "drink" anything but water - but it hurts my stomach. Not as much when it is room temp. but it still hurts. I do better with broth - but I hate broth now.I'm sure I'll hit that 64oz. mark soon - but I'd like to see recent post ops and what their water intake is. Just curious.    — K T. (posted on October 10, 2001)

October 10, 2001
Eventually your stomach will be able to handle larger amounts of water. One day I could only sip water and if I didn't, it would back up on me or hurt like crazy. The next day I could gulp about three swallows worth. I don't know why, but now I can get the water in. Its really hard when you have to sip because you have a water bottle or glass at your mouth around the clock. Just try to take in more a little bit at a time.
   — Lori W.

October 10, 2001
Hi, I am 6 weeks out and have the same problem. The standard advice, like drink crystal light or squeeze a lemon the water don't work for me, because I *like* water. It's just I seem to always be eating or drinking something around the clock! I thought I was doing well until I actually measured and figured I was getting about 18-20 oz, so I have upped it to probably 32 oz now. I can't gulp, if I drink fast I get that warm spit in my mouth and feel like I'm going to throw up. Meals are a little easier, though my dr doesn't have me eating every two hours. I wake up and have 6 oz of ice cold water (only way I can drink it, room temp makes me sick) and take my calcium. Wait 12 hour, get a soft scrambled egg or whateve and eat it for 15-20 min. Wait another 1/2 hour. Start pumping water again until 1/2 hour before lunch. 1/2 hour to eat lunch and another 1/2 hour before drinking. Start pumping water again(sometimes decaf iced tea) snack I try for liquidy things like some juice or a sf fudgesicle bar. I take my vitamin and iron. then drink til supper and so on.. at 8 I take my second dose of calcium. I have heard the pouch relaxes and we will be able to drink faster. I put a bottle of water in the fridge and take it always when we go out. I have to take the top off, sports bottles give me to much air or something. Good luck to both of us!
   — Becky K.

October 10, 2001
I still don't get my water in...but I come pretty close every day. Drinking something warm seems easier than drinking something I drink decaf tea. That has really helped with my fluid intake. My doc told me to only eat 2-3 meals a day which I do. I "drink" my breakfast and eat lunch and dinner and sometimes a small snack. I've yet to get in much over 800 calories a day though.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 10, 2001
I'm almost 11 months post op and I was sipping my min 64 ozs/day since I got home from the hospital. I just kept a glass beside me and sipped all day. (except 1/2 hr before a meal and 1 hr after) At first it seemed like a full time job to get all I needed in. I eat 3 meals and 3 small snacks a day and my snacks are protein drinks so that really helps me drink enough. I've got a glass that holds about a litre (about 30 ozs) and I drink from that all day. Helps me keep track of my intake. Good luck to you :o)
   — Jo (Part 2) C.

October 10, 2001
I didn't have trouble with water while on the liquid diet. I sipped all day. Once I started to eat solids, though, I found that it was very uncomfortable for me to drink water. I have to have it ice cold, too. Any warmer is unbearable. Funny how we're all different that way, isn't it? I am trying to up my water intake but probably average about 32 oz. Meals are less of a problem. I eat a tiny breakfast (~1 oz), a mid-morning snack, lunch, mid-afternoon snack, dinner, and occassionally an evening snack if I'm especially hungry. I think it is hard for me because, although I like water, I tend to gulp it if I am not also eating (ouchie!). And since I can't eat and drink at the same time . . .
   — ctyst

October 10, 2001
Surgery july 23rd 01 down 71 pounds, and its only very recently that I am getting the water in. At first it was only ice cold sugar free grape kool aid, very strong. Now water tastes better. I admit I drink sips with protein foods because I am not nearly getting in 60 grams of protein a day. But I feel great and am happy, although my loss has slowed.
   — bob-haller

October 10, 2001
Some have more trouble than others with drinking water, at first anyway. I was not one of them. I have always drank (not sipped) my water and it flows right through my RNY pouch. A tip I used at first was to take two empty Snapple bottles filled with cold water to work and I drank them between breakfast and lunch. Voila'! 32 ounces before lunch. Drink another after lunch and another after supper and the water is in.
   — Cindy H.

October 10, 2001
Hello. I'm 16 weeks post. I get in 36 oz of diet koolaid, and 3 8 oz protein shakes for a total of 60 oz of liquid. I can't get a clear answer on whether or not the protein counts. Some say yes, others no. My problem is not being able to get in the small meals daily. I'm lucky if I can get in 2 4 oz meals. I am considering increasing the meal frequency and reducing the meal size. I'm sure I'll figure out a system soon! Good luck and God Bless!
   — Kimberly L.

October 10, 2001
Usually for me it is either one or the other... I am either GREAT with my diet or GREAT with my water. I have very limited brain cells :), and am pretty much a "one" focus at a time gal.
   — Karen R.

October 10, 2001
10/10/01 I am 4 weeks postop and I still have a hard time to get in all my water. I am only eating 2 meals a day and then a snack of protein powder in 8 oz milk. Before surgery I drank alot of liquids, but it doesn't seem to sit well on my stomach now. I add popsicles and use ice water too. I know I need to inc that water amount daily! Good luck to all of us as we work on doing good things for our bodies every day!!
   — Karen M.

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