I have a few aches and pains that I'm hoping someone can help me sort out

because I don't want to go back to my surgeon - He is just too far. Anyway I am 5 weeks post op. Been doing great. Threw up once - because I ate to fast. Been drinking water - not enough water but I've been trying hard. Don't know much about protein. I tried a few protein drinks and I'm still trying. They taste awful. Switched to flinstones vitamins. Now It only seems that I can tolerate mashed potatoes and gravy.(KFC 143 calories) So thats what I have breakfast lunch and dinner. I also have a spoon full of pudding to mix my medicine that I have to crush in. I've tried meats - but they just don't go down to well. I think I want to take it slow. The problem is I just don't feel right. I haven't been through the hybernation thing - but I'm dragging alittle. The thing that concerns me the most is I have these pains. They feel like a bunch of little needles sticking me in the stomach. Sort of like when you get the stomach flu -which may be it. But I have had it for a couple of days. I can't eat my 2oz. of mashed potatoes. And my stomach feels so empty that it hurts. Now I am getting dizzy. Maybe I am going through the first stage of hypernation. I don't particularly feel weak - just not right. I can't eat what I think I should be eating. I tried to eat some refried beans. I know they are going to make my stomach hurt worse - but I need the protein I know. I guess I'm asking if anyone else felt this way and what did you do about it. I don't hardly feel like it warrants calling the doctor or going to the ER, but I'm getting damn dizzy. Then it will go away. I keep my water with me at all times - though I still can't get in 64 oz. a day. maybe 4 cups. maybe 6 depending on what I'm drinking. But My scales are not budging so I knocked off a meal.And am trying to increase my fluids. I'm too new post op to be going through a plateu. Someone please help me - and no funny stuff. I don't think I can laugh through anyones jokes right now.    — K T. (posted on September 23, 2001)

September 23, 2001
The dizziness I've heard other post ops talk of also and sounds like you need protein. I've heard others say this helped with feeling dizzy
   — Sherry P.

September 23, 2001
Hi. I am a 6 week post op and having some of the same problems as you are--but first, if you are getting dizzy, something is wrong--get thee to a doctor IMMEDIATELY. OK, now that I have done my preaching--I can't get down the water either, although I have found out that if I heat it up or cool it down, it goes down easier. I just use my kids old "sippy cups" (tupperware) that are about 4 oz. and use the hot tap water every half hour to get in my liquids. It's kind of a pain, but it does get better, and you feel better with more water in you. Also, when it comes to eating, try a protien drink. Yes, I know most are yucky, but you can't live on carbs and no protien. Try soft cheeses, cottage cheese for additional protien. On plateaus--I have plateau'd TWICE in 6 weeks, once at week 2-3 I lost NOTHING, then boom! I lost 10 lbs. This week I lost only 1 lb, then boom, today I lost 4! Your body is adjusting. There's no way it will not come off, you're simply not eating enough calories. Oh, and please don't cut a meal when the scale budges, I've found if I increase my calories (by as little as 50) the scale moves faster--something about your body thinking it's starving. I hope you feel better soon. Please feel free to email me since we're so close--we can compare...Oh, and one more thing--are you taking iron? Not enough iron will make you tired and dizzy... Good luck!
   — sandieguy

September 23, 2001
You are 5 weeks post op first of all you are not going to be able to eat much so relax... think protein first with everything you eat you should not be eating meats anyhow this far out those dont even come into play until week 10 or so take those vitamens not forget gag down the protein drink we all hate it but you chose this surgery and you knew you were going to have to adhere to the rules second you are healing from the inside out so some of those pains could be healing pains or adhesions you will know a serious pain drink as much water as possible i found luke or room temp to go down the easiers eat peanut butter on a ritz eat scrambled eggs, cottage cheese use squirt cheese on a cracker potted meat mixed with cream cheese on a chicken in a biscuit cracker...actually it was weeks before i could eat much and at 10 months out I find dinner doesnt set well I eat the most during the day light hours let me repeat myself so that it is very clear to you....... DRINK THAT PROTEIN DRINK....GAG IT DOWN CHOCOLATE IS EASIER TO GAG DOWN FOR ME.. PRO-55 ADD 2 ICE CUBES AND IF YOU CAN HANDLE MILK USE SKIM MILK AND TRY A BANANNA IN IT..ADD ABOUT 1/2 A CUP OF MILK OR WATER NOT MORE THEN THAT BECAUSE YOU DON'T WANT TO HAVE TO GAG DOWN MUCH GOOD LUCK AND RELAX I PLAUTED ALL THE WAY THROUGH THIS PAST 10 MONTHS SINCE WEEK 2 AND HAVE LOST 108 I AM 12 POUNDS FROM GOAL RIGHT ON SCHEDULE KATHY
   — Kathleen M.

September 23, 2001
Well, I have not had surgery yet, but I work on a Surgical ICU unit where we get a lot of Gastric Bypass patients post-op. What I do know is two things, The dizzy spells warrent at least a call to the MD or their nurse. Let them help they ARE there for you. VERY IMPORTANT! Next, I have been on a fasting diet before that required me to drink protein shakes. I hd a great nutitionist that taught me to experiment with extract flavors. The extracts add no calories and really can do the trick in enhancing the taste! There are so many varietys available too! I hope it helps! I wish you well!
   — Diana C.

September 23, 2001
I am almost 10 weeks post op and I can remember the first six weeks I could hardly eat anything, or drink. I got dizzy all of the time. It is from lack or food/fluid. I know it is hard, but please try to get in some protein. You will feel so much better. I just now am drinking protein shakes. I bought Isopure (variety pack) so far not bad at all. Good luck!
   — Dawn H.

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