new problem 6 mos post op
Almost 6 months post op with basically no problems or complications until 3 ays ago.Now everytime I eat I feel very hot and/or flushed and sometimes nauseaus. I have not changed my eating habits at all in the last three days and almost exclusively eat protein. Any ideas on what may be happening? Any help greatly appreciated. — [Anonymous] (posted on February 21, 2001)
February 21, 2001
If you didn't change your eating habits, but are feeling nauseous and
flushed, it could be something as simple as a virus. If you still feel bad
after a couple of days, I'd call the doctor. Check your temperature too,
just in case of fever. Hope you feel better soon!
— Amy K.
February 21, 2001
Not knowing what type of WLS you had makes it difficult to guess what might
be wrong. No offense meant to the previous poster but a "wait and
see" attitude might turn out to be life-threatening. Please seek
immediate medical attention.
— Lynn E.
February 22, 2001
I just went to the dr today for a 4 month checkup. He warned me about
feeling like this...indicated that it is related to sugar and blood
pressure. It doesn't sound like you're eating sugary stuff, but watch what
you are eating...make sure to stay away from sugar as much as possible.
Also, if you are taking meds for high blood pressure, it might be time for
an adjustment.
At any rate, I would call your dr and discuss it. Always better to be safe
then sorry.
— tlg6056
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