Does any one have info an Dr. David Hall.
I am considering Dr.Hall for weight loss surgery but cannot find any information on him. — [Anonymous] (posted on October 10, 1999)
October 10, 1999
I was going to fly to Texas and have the surgery done with him ,but we
found Dr. Champion who was closer and also did it Lap. I have a package of
information on him and the images program he's in. They are also on the
web. Hope this helps.God Bless
— sarah2cu
June 27, 2002
If you are interested in Dr. Hall for your weight loss surgery, you can
either call toll free at 1-866-681-1254 or go to the website at That is the Compass Program, which is responsible for
setting up Dr. Hall's surgery schedule. Warm wishes, Jessie
— Jessie H.
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