Fear of Nausea?

I am contemplating surgery -- I don't think getting approved will be overly difficult, as my BMI is 46 with -- so far -- insignificant comorbidities. But the thing that I am MOST afraid of is being nauseous -- for me, it is an almost paralyzing fear. I have had abdominal surgery twice, and exploratory lap twice, and rectal surgery (THE WORST!!) -- I am not afraid of the pain. Demerol is my bestest friend, makes me feel good, does not make me sick. I know I can rely on it. What I fear is the nausea. I have IBS, and in the process of eliminating everything else terrible that the pain could be, I have had to have several procedures that I simply could NOT do, because I couldn't keep the stuff down, not even the lemonade tasting stuff -- I barfed after the 5th glass of 8. I had to drink the gallon of "Go-Lightly" for the lap prep over the course of a day -- I barfed before I got 1/2 of it down. Even the phosphosoda bowel prep (4 oz. x 2) was excruciating. When I have to take dental impressions, I gag. I have to use a special toothbrush with a tiny head to get to my back teeth, and I don't have my wisdom teeth! I cannot imagine how I am going to tolerate an NG tube, endoscopy (or can they put you out entirely for that?), or ANY nausea caused by this procedure. When I am sick to my stomach, I feel like I'm having a panic attack -- if I was sick to my stomach for more than a VERY short amount of time, or if it went on for any length of time, I think I might go insane. Does anyone have any suggestions? I have yet to contact a surgeon, but I thought I would ask the board first about this. How did others with this problem deal with it? Or should I forget about it altogether, because this is such a common problem that I have to be willing to -- or find a way to -- accept it? Diana    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on December 31, 2002)

December 30, 2002
Well pick a surgeon whoi doesnt do a bowell prep, or do clear liquids for like 5 days pre op, so your clean. Now AFTER surgery barfing is nothing like you are today. Its not gut wrentching, the most you do is like spit out a mouthfiul of whatever is bothering you, and theres NO acid! Its still not fun but really not bad. Careful eating minimizes it too. Be sure to attend support gropup meetings, this subject comes up all the time. Heres one you can attend NOW! Video and audio on the net.<P>
   — bob-haller

December 31, 2002
Hi Diana...I have IBS with my fibromyalgia, and also get panic attacks, although not from nausea. So I know some of what you're going through. We try to avoid, at all costs, the thing(s) that may cause us to have a panic attack. You have a very strong gag reflex, it sounds like. Tell the docs, especially the anesthesiologist about this when you meet him/her. This is <b>very</b> important. I was intubated after the administration of the Versed (done in the outer waiting area, not the OR), so even though you can follow orders, etc., you don't remember anything about it later. You are still conscious, but you don't remember. Anyway, my point is, ask for Versed and you won't remember the intubation at all. They took my NG tube out before I regained consciousness...I, too, would not have like having to feel that thing in there. As far as the bowel prep, my doctor did not require one. I know, the mag. cit. makes me throw up, so I was so happy not to have take it. I think you might to projecting a bit much into the future, Diana, worrying about every instance where you might have nausea. You may not have a bowel prep, and you may not even remember the intubation. Talk it over with the docs and calm your fears well before the surgery. I have not vomited since surgery (8 months ago), but yes, I had nausea for the first 3 months...not every second of the day, but often. There are meds for the nausea that you can take if you're one of the unfortunate FEW that have nausea after surgery. My best advice to you is to talk this problem out with the docs and be reassured that there are plenty of things out there to help you get through this with as much comfort as possible. Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 31, 2002
I think this is something you are going to HAVE to give some serious thought to. How badly do you want this surgery? The reason I say this is because, although I'm still pre-op, I am told by the surgeons and pretty much everyone who has had this surgery, that you will be nauseated after the surgery. It could last for a month or more. There may be some people that will tell you they weren't ever nauseated, but, I think they may be in the minority. Please keep in mind that I am not talking from personal experience, but I go to support group meetings and listen to people's stories and this just seems to be a part of the process. You could be one of the lucky one's, but I think you need to be prepared.
   — Kathy S.

December 31, 2002
Awesome support group link Bob! I've been listening the last few hours. Thanks for the link.
   — Meg L.

December 31, 2002
I was a nauseaphobic! I hated to throw up-. I had open RNY 3/20/02- our prep was two capfuls of milk of magnesia- not too bad and not nauseating. since surgeryI have thrown up a few times, but it is so totally different than pre op- no biles, no gross taste, no "buckets" of it, no stinky smell, just pretty much whatever you ate, comes back..small amounts too. So I am not phobic fact as a postop if something is not sitting right, I encourage myself toi purge it- cuz then you feel sooo much better.
   — ~~Stacie~~

January 1, 2003
I am an emetophobe, which means I have a phobia of throwing up! I panic and cry, and freak out if someone around me pukes, or I feel like I'm going to puke. I just don't puke unless I'm dying. So... that said, I had a lap RNY on 12/11/02, and I haven't puked once. I have been a little nauseous, but nothing bad. I also have a prescription for Phenergan, if it gets too bad. So far, I've only taken it once. I came to the conclusion that I'd rather puke every day for the rest of my life, than live another second as an obese person. You are the only one who knows whether you've gotten to that point. I thought I would have a hard time with the NG tube, but it wasn't bad. Demerol is a wonderful thing. LOL! Just keep pressing the PCA pump, and you'll sleep right through it. You'll be just fine, and then you'll wonder why you worried about it at all!!!
   — Diana L.

January 1, 2003
Well, sounds like you have a few different fears, so I'll address them separately. I have a pretty strong gag reflex too, so my pre-op endoscopy was NO FUN. I never went under like I was supposed to. However if you tell them of your fears ahead of time, they can make sure you're unconscious for that. I had no problems with the tubes during surgery, because I was already under when they went in, and they took them out before I came to. <p> I haven't had a problem with nausea post op, certainly nothing continuous. My doctor has had me on prevacid since I left the hospital so maybe that helps. I have thrown up, however. That could have been avoided, I believe, had I eaten slower, chewed longer and stopped eating sooner. It took me a while to re-learn how to eat and to listen to my body. But I never had a feeling like I wanted to throw up, until I ate and did one of those things wrong - then it was a relief to throw up, honestly. It wasn't continuous nausea, it was an hour of two of discomfort after eating until I threw up - then I felt better. Since you are very afraid of throwing up, you will likely be more vigilant than I was about eating slowly and chewing very well. Some people NEVER throw up, and it's mostly avoidable to it's up to you. However, there's no guarantee that something just isn't going to agree with you when you first switch to solid foods. I don't know how bad your phobias are, but I think the operation is worth it because you should be able to avoid most of the things you're afraid of if you're careful.
   — sandsonik

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