It's more than just a fatty liver, please help with high liver enzymes!

I am getting very worried! I have been going to the doctor as I am supposed to, and taking my vitamins, and eating right... ever since surgery I've had nothing but health problems. The latest on is high liver enzymes. I had a test done two weeks ago and had a follow up done last Thursday, the results came back to me today and they show that in the two weeks the enzymes have gotten higher. This problem is accompanied by pain on the right side of my upper abodmen. I had an ultra-sound done on my gallbladder which showed it has sludge and is enlarged, but no signs of stones. The doctor also reported that she found signs of the high liver enzymes and an enlarged liver. Oh yeah, plus I have scolosis (sp?). She informed me on Thursday that my pain was due to pulling a muscle, but the pain never seems to go away. I am at my wits end. Has anyone else expirenced problems like these? How serious is it? I looked in the records of questions, but have been ruled out for just a fatty liver. The doctor also did Hepatitis B and C tests, both negative. Please help! Thanks! Am 4 months post op and down 77 pounds.    — Heather H. (posted on September 17, 2002)

September 16, 2002
It's you gallbladder. The sludge and inflamation will cause liver enzyme elevation. Your PCP may not realize this. Ask to be seen by either a general surgeon that does gallbladder removals or a GI ( gastroenterologist) to evaluate this problem. The gallbladder problems post rapid weight loss is quite common. Good luck to you.
   — Vicki L.

September 16, 2002
yes, I agree, my daughter just found out the same thing, the sludge in the bile ducts was causing ALL the problems! seek a specialist!
   — Patty S.

September 16, 2002
Did the enzymes get progressively higher since surgery? How high were they pre-op? Have you tried milk thistle? Other things: how much water do you get? Do you drink alcohol? Do you clean houses and breathe more than average cleaning chemicals? Those are all things you might want to look at to report to your doctor.
   — vitalady

September 17, 2002
It's me the original poster. Just wanted to answer your questions. Yes I get in my water, do not drink - as am not old enough, and do not clean any houses. Talked to the dr. today and she said that I have to get MORE testing for gallbadder. What kind of tests did everyone else have to go through? Thanks!!
   — Heather H.

September 17, 2002
Heather, are you asking what the test is like to check the gallbladder? If so, it is a piece of cake! I had it done right before WLS (wanted my surgeon to take it out- he would'nt). My gallbladder was normal. They just have you take your shirt off (or maybe for a woman to lift it up?). Then they greese a paddle and push it all over your stomach area. You can actually see your insides on a screen. Now it's only b/w and it's shadows. But it's neat. Then I had to have it done again because of gallbladder pain after WLS. This time it was uncomfortable, but not terribly.
   — Danmark

November 21, 2002
Talk to your doctor about autoimmune hepatitis. It is a chronic disease where the body fights against its own liver. I was diagnosed about a year and a half ago with this and was placed on meds. I am scheduled to talk with my pcp regarding gastric bypass surgery and I am hoping that they will do the surgery with this type of disease. Hope you find out something soon.
   — Debbie O.

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