Can anyone help with getting what I call

I'm sorry to bother everyone but I just needed someone to talk to. I'm waiting for my insurance letter to be mailed to my insurance company and they've had it for 3 weeks and it still hasn't been mailed. Sometimes I wonder if I'm ever going to get the surgery. Any suggestions on how to keep my spirits up? Thanks    — Rebekah A. (posted on July 12, 2002)

July 12, 2002

   — Amber L.

July 12, 2002
Please don't feel like you are bothering anyone. This website was designed to help one another answer questions. My surgeon's office drug their feet too. I just kept making phones calls to the office asking if the letter had been sent yet. I may have been a real pain in the rear, but I looked at it like this - if I was having any other type of surgery, the request would have been sent to the insurance company and I would have had approval within a couple of weeks. I was always very nice and polite - I just kept checking status. My initial consult was on March 26, 2002 and by May 9 I had a surgery date of August 26. Believe me, I know how frustrated you are. Just hang in there. Good Luck to you.
   — Kathy M.

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