How soon can you SAFELY sleep on your stomach after LAP RNY?
I'm 2 1/2 weeks post op, and I'm scared to try to sleep on my tummy. Is there anything I can hurt in there by putting the weight of myself on that area? I'm worried I will cut off the circulation to a healing organ or something. Am I being a worry wart? — rhonda2u (posted on July 7, 2002)
July 7, 2002
Dont worry, be happy. Sleep in whatever position your comfortable. For me
that was around 10 or 12 days on my belly. My wife Jen climbed on all 4s
the day she got home and slept on her belly. You cant do any harm, so
— bob-haller
July 7, 2002
I slept on my side (I can't stand to lay on my back) until about the second
week and tried sleeping on my stomach for at least part of the night. It
was a little tender but I slept so much better by the third week I stayed
on my belly. Good luck - you need your sleep however you get it!
— Michelle W.
July 7, 2002
My surgeon told me I could sleep on my stomach (after a Lap RNY) as soon as
it was comfortable to do so. It wasn't comfortable enough to sleep on my
side for 3 weeks, and it took about 6 weeks for my stomach. I never
particularly hurt, it was just uncomfortable enough that I couldn't fall
sleep until about 6 weeks out.
— Kathy J.
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