Which product by Nioxim is best to aid against thinning hair?

Also, where can you buy Nioxim?    — Cheryl C. (posted on June 23, 2002)

June 22, 2002
Hi... I use the products and I bought a 3 pack set that has the cleanser (shampoo), scalp treatment (conditioner) and a fotifier type that you squirt on after the other two steps and comb through (it revitalizes the scalp). I love them; hair will be shiny and soft and it puts nutrients back into the hair. I am 11 wks post op and 51 so I've had thinning hair periodically but am just now starting to see some loss and use it now for that. Everything is minty and you'll love how it feels. Andrea
   — AJC750

June 22, 2002
I understand that Nioxin can be bought at good hair salons and at some beauty supply stores. By the way, when I asked my hairdresser about buying Nioxin, she said that it wasn't that effective against hair loss and that using a gentle shampoo and light conditioner every time I washed my hair should be sufficient. She said that hair loss is pretty much unavoidable, but that if the hair is kept in good condition, it should be shiny and bouncy. I also took a hair, skin and nails supplement and now my hair is back to its old self. Good luck... Margie B
   — Marjorie B.

June 23, 2002
Hi! I started my hair loss at 3 months and now I am going into my 7th month. What helped me was a haircut, so I cut 16 inches and the products called Renewal 5x (?) are real good.
   — Denise S.

June 23, 2002
I bought nioxin shampoo and conditioner hoping that it would help with the hair loss. I actually started using the products before surgery along with taking biotin 3 times a day. But the initial hair loss associated with this surgery is do to the stress that your body is going through. This is just how your body reacts to it. It is the same thing that can happen when something such as a death of a close friend of family memember occurs. Upping Protien, vitamins, or shampoos will not help with this initial hairloss only time will help.
   — jenna F.

June 23, 2002
I was the perfect post op patient and STILL lost about 50-60% of my hair. I finally realized that with some people, it is unavoidable. However, I did use the Nioxin products because at least I felt like I was doing SOMETHING! They didn't help my hair loss at all, however I LOVED how they made my scalp feel and my hair was extremely shiney and healthy looking. After my hair loss stopped (months 2-9), I stopped using them, they are quite pricey. I used the Step 1 and 2 and the scalp treatment. Shelley
   — Shelley.

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