What should I take to the hospital ?

   — William C. (posted on October 7, 2001)

October 7, 2001
Very little ... I used the following: bathrobe, pillow, something for chapped lips, slippers, and some clothes to go home in. The hospital provides things like toothbrushes and soap. Some people recommend taking a small fan. Good luck with your surgery.
   — BlueGray

October 7, 2001
I took a toothbrush, toothpaste, deoderant, and facial soap; although the hospital provided most of these, it gave me a little comfort to have my own from home. I also took a small fan with me which came in VERY handy. I didn't bother with a robe; the gowns at the hospital were sufficient for me, and they provided socks as well.
   — blank first name B.

October 7, 2001
I would check with your hospital about what they provide. Due to what people had told me I didn't bring shampoo - big mistake all the hospital provided was a gown and soap. What I used that I brought was brush, slippers (also make sure you wear slip on shoes to go home in) Stridex face cleaners, chap stick, the hospital had a fan and thank goodness. Mainly as soon as I was done walking I went back to sleep so I didn't have need for much.
   — Elizabeth A.

October 7, 2001
Dont forget your PILLOW! I hate hospital pillows. I asked this same question right before I had surgery...and WAY over packed. I didnt read or put on makeup or wear my new night gown...just slept and healed. The only thing I didnt take (but made my husband get for me) is BOTTLED water. I hate tap water and you need to drink "X" amount each day. Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
   — Wendy S.

October 7, 2001
I had a Lap VBG and I packed all the stuff I heard I should bring. (Deodorant, toothbrush, chapstick...) I never opened my bag. Everything I needed was provided for me and frankly, I wasn't all that concerned with nice breath. I was on morphine the whole time and dozed on and off for 2 days. Hope this helps.
   — [Anonymous]

October 8, 2001
Hi William!, I took my toothbrush, hair brush, shower gel, shampoo, deodorant, slippers, chapstick, clothes to go home in and most importantly a robe. They make you walk after surgery to avoid blood clots, and usually those gowns don't cover everything if you know what I mean hehe!. Magazines or a book is a good thing to take too. Few hospitals have cable LOL. The one thing I wish I had taken was my own pillow. Hospital pillows, for lack of a better word, suck! I had the worst time getting comfy on those "pads", I can't really call them pillows. I'd go with just the essentials. Best of luck to you!
   — Carey N.

October 8, 2001
hi william. i am pre-op & i have compiled a list of what i think i will need by reading alot of what the post ops suggest. i am taking my own pillow, a body pillow (for propping me on my side), a fan, chap stick, jergens lotion, noxema, my own tissues cause i aint gonna get puffs in the hosp lol, hairbrush, toothbrush, baby corn starch instead of talc, a caftan (optional for u of course lol), non slip slippers, pen & paper, phone card & a long handled spoon to use after using the toilet. good luck to u
   — sheryl titone

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