Has anyone had an exceptional amount of burping from having bypass surgery?

Every time I take the smallest sip of something, I wind up with gas that needs to come up as a burp. If I can't burp, then I get a rumbling in my chest that sounds like I'm growling. Has anyone else had this happen to them?    — Jennifer H. (posted on September 30, 2001)

September 30, 2001
YES! I am three and a half weeks post-op and it seems like I have to burp constantly. If anyone has any tips on how to 'fix' this I for one would certainly appreciate it!
   — BlueGray

September 30, 2001
Jennifer...I am just about 3 months out, and I have the exact same problem. I seem to have a lot of gas, and it is very hard to get up. It always seems like it's right in my chest, and I also have a lot of noise going on in there! I have mentioned this to my surgeon, and he says I need to eat slower...I have my doubts though, as I really do try to eat slowly. I hope that this is a problem that will someday disappear!
   — Donna C.

September 30, 2001
I burped A lot with my original and revision. I think because we are sipping, we suck in more air, personally. That and everything is brand shiny new!
   — vitalady

September 30, 2001
Jennifer, I'm only two weeks post-op but this is happening to me as well. It's annoying and sometimes uncomfortable. Mostly though, I just ignore it, or try walking around or changing position to see if I can get the gas out. If it's incredibly bad, I've taken some baby simethicone drops, very helpful for gas that's past the point of no return via the burp route. :-) I understand that this DOES get better with time. If it happens while I'm out with people I know, I laugh it off, explaining that my new plumbing is still figuring itself out. Nobody's been offended or anything. Hang in there!
   — Julia M.

September 30, 2001
I'm almost 5 months post op now and I do burp more than I ever did pre op, however it is worse when you are newly post op. Now it happens "some" as I assume some air goes down when we eat. And if I "accidently" eat to much (does'nt happen often) I have to burp to relieve the pressure THEN STOP eating. ;) The body has a way of letting you know "with gas" when you eat to much and to knock it off. But if you are fairly new post op, then it is to be expected. It will probally pass... no pun intended. lol
   — Danmark

September 30, 2001
Hi All: I am 7 wks post op and had the same problem with the burping...It was horribly painful the first couple of weeks after surgery with the incision and Dr told me to buy "Beano or GasX"... Worked for me..They are small pills and worked after about 3 doses..The nice thing about these are that if they don't can take 2 at a time if need be.....No more gas at all...(unless I over eat and then I burp to get the food down and through) but that passes within 5 mins....Hope this helps everyone
   — Joi G.

October 1, 2001
This happened to me constantly the first few months. I still burp some but usually only when I eat too fast or eat something I shouldn't. The growling has stopped completely. I cannot tell you the shock I had when I swallowed my first sip of juice and that sound came out of my chest! I thought they had connected the wrong tubes! lol
   — ctyst

October 1, 2001
14 months out and I still burp alot. I don't know why. I can't buy the "sipping air" as I really don't believe that I do. And I also don't think, for me anyway, it is because I ate too much. There are some days that my tummy (or intestine, or bowel, or something) is just very sensitive and anything I eat, no matter how little, gives me lots of gas and burping. This past weekend was very difficult. The good news is happening a bit less now then it did right after surgery.
   — Anne G.

October 1, 2001
13 months out and still burp, which is a pain, but what my tummy does the most is make these LOUD noises when I eat! Sounds like a day at the zoo, with all the growling! Doesn't hurt or anything, but just kinda embarrasing when someone hears. I just laugh it off. Don't know if it will stop or not. If not, I am still really happy I had this done! (((HUGS))))
   — nealp

October 1, 2001 be honest & delicate.....I have been very gassy since my rny. But, I don't burp a gas escapes from the other end. It can be embarassing. I've given up all carbonated drinks and that helps. Also, limiting carbs seems to help with the gas problem. Last Saturday, I was home alone and splurged. I ate a plate of french fries and washed it down with a diet coke. You don't want to know the rest....but.....the dog still won't come into the house.
   — [Anonymous]

October 2, 2001
Hi Jen--YES I am 2 1/2 weeks post op and I have the same problem. I know its not from eating and drinking too fast because it will happen with the very first sip or bite of something. The rumbling and burping are very annoying!! LOL I have found that drinking my fluids at room temp instead of ice cold does seem to help alittle bit. People have told me this gets somewhat better with time, but never goes completely away..To me its a small price to pay for a much healthier life. Best wishes to you!!
   — Donna S.

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