Insurance paying for removal of excess skin???

I am only 5 1/2 months post op but have begun to notice quite a bit of excess skin at the panni. I know I should and will wait until I am 18 months post op I have United Health Care Select HMO which covered my surgery, first request no questions asked. Has anyone dealt with them on the subject of excess skin removal?    — Debra L. (posted on September 4, 2001)

September 4, 2001
Don't know about your particular ins. co. But my doc told me, "Most ins. cos will cover the cost for panniculectomy because it is a health risk, not just a cosmetic procedure. The folds of skin trap bacteria and rashes can be a result and there is a risk of infection. These are the things that need to be stressed to the insurance company to obtain authorization for a panniculectomy. They are usually not done until you are about a year postop, when you have lost enough weight that it is justified." (You wouldn't want to do it at 5 months, then have to do it again 7-10 months later. Better to wait until you have lost the majority of weight, then do it.) Hope this helps. Good luck to you !!!
   — Lisa D.

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