Question for those who were smokers before their surgery and had to have
a PFT. I am due to take mine on the 28th of this month and have only quit smoking now for two days. I am really afraid of taking this test, as I need this approval from the Pulmonologist before my surgeon will do my surgery. My questions are, How hard is this test to take for a smoker (which I consider myself since I will only be smoke free for 11 days prior to the test) and did ayone "flunk" this test and had surgery pushed back because of the results? Thanks — Missy M. (posted on August 21, 2001)
August 21, 2001
What exactly is this test.. what do they do? I'm supposed to quit smoking
as well.. I've cut back but haven' yet quit. I guess I've been waiting
till I actually get approved. Either way I'd love to know about this test.
— Dawn R.
August 21, 2001
Hi Missy! I was really stressed about this test too, and I'd only quit
smoking two weeks before I had it. Just to let you know that I think it
all depends on how healthy your lungs are anyway. I've never wheezed, or
coughed, or any of that stuff in spite of being a moderate to heavy smoker
for the past 8 years (a pack a day). I had no problems passing the test
with a 98% lung capacity, so you should be okay. I actually didn't think I
did that well, because I didn't feel like I was exhaling that hard, but the
doctor even told me that he was surprised I did as well as I did, as most
overweight, short people like me have a hard time getting a deep breath, so
there you go! Good luck!
— blank first name B.
August 21, 2001
I had quit smoking the week before my tests and I passed. Of course I'd
only been smoking lightly since Christmas, about a pack every 3-5 days. I
thought the tests were hard, but only because you have to exhale really
hard over and over again. They gave me histamine and I had to test after
each dose, each dose of histamine higher than the last until I was almost
having an asthma attack and I didn't know I had asthma! It wore me out,
but over all it wasn't that bad, and I passed so...Just keep in mind that
these tests for surgery are all done on overweight people, and most
overweight people have trouble breathing to some extent. Just quit now and
don't sweat it. Good luck to you!
— Robin O.
August 21, 2001
Missy, It sounds like you are in the same boat I was before my PFT. I was
worried, but came through with flying colors. I had been smoking at least a
pack a day for the past 10+ years. I quit for 2 1/2 weeks before surgery,
and continued about 2 weeks after. If only I would have never started
again! Good luck to you. I hope everything works out.
— Kim B.
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