Experienced patient of Dr. Marcus, please reply if this applies.

Is there anyone who has/will have surgery with Dr. Marcus who have been denied surgery because of depression? I am currently in an outpatient program for depression/anxiety and am concerned that he will make this an issue. However, I was able to get a position psyc eval from a separate psychiatrist a couple months before being admitted into this day program. In other words, I'm only concerned if the insurance makes it know to the office what is going on with me now, and If he'll decide to deny my surgeon for this reason. Also, has anyone had the duodenal switch with yet? He did mention that he was started this procedure as well. Any feedback will be much appreciated.    — Kimberly D. (posted on August 18, 2001)

August 19, 2001
Dr Marcus is my surgeon, and though I was not being treated for depression I was depressed. Dr Marcus talks openly about all of our feelings but will not hold it against you. Now that I am 7 mnths po, 119 lbs down, I am not depressed. I spoke with Charlotte, his nutritionist, the other day and mentioned to her that I thought that I had been depressed. And her reponse was, "of course you were." I think that most morbidly obese people have some degree of depression, and though WLS may not cure your depression I feel confident that it is a huge step towards helping yourself. Dr Marcus and his staff are wonderful, caring people. I felt like he was one of the few people, other than my family, who actually saw me through all of the fat. He has a Dr that he uses for the psch eval, she was very nice. we just talked for about an hour about me, my family, ect. No 500 question test like I have heard about, and she told me at the end that she would recommend me for WLS. Hang in there, try to keep a positive attitude, I found that prayer helped tons. Good luck...
   — Sue B.

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