Is there a way to keep skin from not sagging as much after surgery?

I am interested in finding out about preventing the "sagging skin syndrome". Many people have needed to have surgery to remove excess skin after losing so much weight, but is there something you can do (or take) to minimize the sagging or at least increase the elasticity of your skin? I am 32 years old, and although people have commented that it shouldn't be a big concern for me, I'm really concerned because my upper arms are REALLY big! I would appreciate any information (or tips) anyone can submit. Thanks,    — Kimberly D. (posted on June 12, 2001)

June 12, 2001
Your starting weight, age, whether or not you have had children, how rapidly you lose, how actively you exercise, and skin elasticity are all factors. The removal of excess skin following massive weight loss can become medically necessary. I've seen very few here who haven't had a big problem with it. Some accept it, some don't. I am 33 and will be having my first reconstructive surgery in July. Good luck.
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 12, 2001
I agree with the previous post, with one caveat: it also depends, in part, on your body type (where you carry your fat). For example, I'm an apple (yay). Had my fat been more evenly distributed, I probably would not have needed ANY reconstructive surgery (this according to my very excellent plastic surgeon). However, because I had a classic case of "trunk obesity," I need work on everything from boobs to gut, but nowhere else. I just stretched out my skin in one basic area. I'm 30 years old and otherwise have extremely elastic skin--I didn't even get stretch marks with my pregnancy. Those lovely things didn't start to appear until my weight went over 240 pounds, probably 100 of that residing solely in my gut. I'm guessing you didn't want to hear this--I, non-religious person that I am, virtually prayed to not need any reconstruction--but I'm definitely going to need it. Take care...
   — Suzanne B.

June 12, 2001
Hi My name is Takenya. I read in a book called "Asian Secrets of Health,Beauty,& Relaxation", that Asian women often wrapped their mid-sections after childbirth for a month to rid themselves of post pardom bagginess. The book says that they use essential oils and 10yds of cotton fabric. I had my surgery May 11,2001. My husband wraps me every night. So far its doing well. I don't know if it will work for you but it can't hurt. It's best if you let someone else do you,but if you have to do yourself its easiest to use 8 long ase wraps. Feel free to email me with more questions. [email protected]
   — Takenya I.

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