Has anyone experienced severe numbness and tingling in your leg/s post-op?

Numbness and tingling when your leg is down, but when you elevate your leg to go to bed it feels like someone is driving hot knifes through your leg. What helped, and how long did they last?    — Gail B. (posted on June 6, 2001)

June 6, 2001
I don't want to worry you, but I would call my dr. because you could have blood clot (phlebitis) in your legs. That is something that can be fairly common after any surgery.
   — Joy B.

June 6, 2001
Check the library as I have seen this question come up before. There is an issue with the belts they put on your legs during surgery. If they are too tight you can have the symptoms you described. I think they go away on their own but check with your Dr. anyway.
   — Shannon S.

June 6, 2001
check the library for my answer to leg numbness. It is probably maraglia paresthetica. Nerve damage. It heals on its own anywhere from a few weeks to more than 1 year. They can give you meds to manage pain. Mine was gone after 1 month, but I didn't have it as bad as you do. Talk to your Dr.
   — KATIE B.

June 10, 2001
I too had this and got the belts too tight answer and to give it time. Fortunatly, a famliy friend is an anesthesiologist(sure I spelled that one wrong) any way, she told me that anestetha is not "lipid solvent" meaning it settles in the fat cells and takes a very long time to dissolve. That is why surgery, anesthsia wise is much harder on heavy people.
   — Linda B.

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