Has anyone experienced long-term skin or nerve hypersensitivy post-op?

Since I finished losing all my weight, I have found that I am very sensitive when others, especially my husband, touch me. I have read through other messages and am thinking it might have to do with a B-12 deficiency. I used to LOVE to be tickled and touch but now am so overly sensitive that I hate to be touched. Can anyone help?    — Tanya N. (posted on January 23, 2001)

February 19, 2001
That definitely sounds like a altered nerve transmission thing called parasthesia. Diabetics get it, due to nerve damage. It can also come form a positioning injury or prolonged pressure over the nerve, or nutritional deciciency, esp. B vitamins (not just B-12!). It may heal over the next few months. If not, or for in the meantime, ask your MD about using capsaicin (Zostrix) cream for long-term relief. It's not just for joint pain anymore. Good luck to you.--Jesse
   — Jesse M.

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