I take 1 adult aspirin per day. When to stop prior to surgery..

I take 1 adult aspirin per day for over a year. When do I to stop taking it prior to surgery.. I have heard stop taking aspirin from one week before to one month before ..which is it.?    — Victoria B. (posted on November 20, 1999)

January 30, 2002
I was told I had to stop taking all aspirin products two weeks prior to my pre-op appointment and would never be able to take them again.
   — Marcia A.

January 30, 2002
Boy this question must have been posted way back there... prior to my WLS surgery on 12-8-99... I'm now over two years post-op and weight is at goal and holding great!!!! Now I guess I will answer my own question... Honestly it depends on your surgeon.. Some say 2 weeks some say 30 days before... Also ask about all meds especially herbal and ask about Vit E which makes the blood slicker. Actually you should inform your surgeon of ANY medication, vitamins, herbs that you're taking..
   — Victoria B.

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