Will an elevated thyroid have any bearing on having an open RNY?

My doctor's office called today stating my Thyroid was elevated in my recent RT Lab work done just last week, and to recheck in 3 months. Will an elevated thyroid have any bearing on going ahead with an open RNY? I have a surgeon's appointment set for September 30th.    — Victoria B. (posted on September 7, 1999)

July 23, 2000
Hi Vicki. I am pretty clueless how the insurance companies and/or surgeon may view this. However, I would think it would help considering you are still morbidly obese (hate that term..:)) regardless of having a slightly elevated thyroid. From what I understand, that should help you burn off fat quicker. Yet you are still struggling even though your thyroid is elevated. I am completely uninformed on how this may affect other things following surgery. I would discuss thoroughly with the surgeon during your upcoming appt. He will be able to most likely tell you how it will affect you post-surgery and how your insurance company may react. Good Luck!
   — Shannon A.

July 23, 2000
Shannon: My elevated thyroid was just a one time occurance from an over the counter diet aid I took.. (silly me I was trying everything to lose weight) My elevated thyroid returned to normal and I had surgery 12/8/99.. I have lost 137 pounds in 6 months and I'm doing just great....Thank you for your kind answer to that pre-op post..
   — Victoria B.

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