Waves of nausia and feeling full fast at almost two years out.

It will be two years out for me in November and I have not had trouble with my eating at all until just recently. I find that I have these waves of nausia and I can eat less and less at a meal. It seems like I can only get a few bites down then I have to stop. The problem is I am then hungry again an hour later. They have determined that I have a hernia and I wonder if that has anything to do with it, but does anyone have anything similar going on or any ideas of what this could be.    — Diane S. (posted on September 26, 2005)

September 27, 2005
Call your surgeon ASAP as the hernia might be strangulating, particularly if you start vomiting. You may be headed for an intestinal blockage!!
   — Jenny X.

September 27, 2005
Do you still have your gallbaldar? I had similar symptons & it stopped after I had it removed. Good Luck!
   — nube41

October 6, 2005
mine was due to ulcers and resulted in my stomach having to be completly removed , yes you can live without a stomach but I dont recommend it see your doc soon, it could be ulcers or hernia or gallbladder, just promise to see the doctor soon good luck and bless you stephanie
   — stephanie A.

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