Government Now Consider Obesity An Illness

ABC News (7/16/04) - Medicare will now cover some treatment for obesity, but taxpayers will have to pay. This fall the government will decide which programs to cover: Nutritional programs, psychological counseling or stomach stapling. Seven (7) million medicare patients are considered obese. There will be strong pressure for many companies to cover the treatment for illness.    — Mary H. (posted on July 16, 2004)

July 16, 2004
The Federal Government had already acknowledged that obesity is a disease by allowing medical tax deductions for any and all kinds of treatment to reduce weight. Unfortunately they haven't acknowledged yet that when someone loses a bunch of weight that the PS is medically necessary and not just cosmetic. I got the really big piece covered by insurance but am left with about $22,000 in work to be done, on top of the $8700 I've already spent. It sure would help if I could legally deduct these costs.
   — zoedogcbr

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