Started at 258 lbs., 43 years old and 5'5

Did anyone start at my size and age and completely lose their tummy bulge? I know there are lots of factors involved, but I'd like to get an idea of what I might expect. At the time of my surgery I was 43 and have never had children. I started at 258 lbs., am 5' 5" and am down 61 lbs. at 3 1/2 months. All areas seem to be slimming down without too much loose skin, including my tummy. I do still have a little roll there - what are the chances that I will have a fairly flat tummy when I reach goal? Can anyone share their own experience? Thanks!    — Carly H. (posted on April 20, 2004)

April 20, 2004
I'm 41, started at 252 lbs. and I'm 5'6". I'm losing my tummy bulge on May 5th, along with my saggy boobs and saggy thighs! I was 40 when I had surgery and I, too, have not had children. If you just have a little roll, you may be fine but my little roll turned into a hanging sack o' skin. It's not horrible...I could live with it...but why??? I have the money for plastics and I'm young and healthy and lively...I want to feel as good naked as I do clothed. I lost the weight very slowly, averaging 10 lbs./month. As time has passed, my skin has done really well, especially noticing the difference in my arms. At one point, I thought I would have to get them fixed but even the plastic surgeon said they didn't need anything. Good luck to you!!
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 20, 2004
Hi Carly. I turned 50 the day I left the hospital after my RNY. I started out at 260. I did not have a lot of loose skin in the tummy area until the last 30 pounds came off. I didn't think I would need anything but an arm lift and (eventually) a face lift, but I also thought I would stop losing at about 160 pounds like I always had. Nope. Blew right past that and didn't stop til I was 125. By that time I needed tummy tuck, thighs, breast lift, etc. (I had had my arms done early on.) Still haven't had the face lift though -- too broke! But, to answer your tummy question, my lower tummy looked flat when I had clothes on. My upper abdomen was more puffy/flabby and had some rolls. All gone now! You are doing great. hugs, Ann...... RNY 9/10/99...... 260/124
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 20, 2004
hi carley- i was 5'5" 236 and 50- had very little loose skin until the last 25 lbs or so- thought i was going to be ok without further surgery- didn't work that way! am at goal now of 125 and had tt and brachioplasty 6 weeks ago- plan on having my thighs done next year- i think plastic surgery is inevitable- sorry!
   — Jannie N.

April 20, 2004
We're almost in the same position. I'm 41, no kids, weighed 248 and am 5'2. I always had an hour glass shape and thought my stomach wasn't that bad. My stomach was the last place I lost my weight after RNY. When it happened, I had a lot of excess skin - 5 pounds of it. How much elastic your skin has in it will play a HUGE part as far as how your stomach bounces back. Obviously having been overweight all my life, mine had NONE!! My tt was the best surgery I ever had. It increased my self confidence by 1000% and it was a very easy surgery, even with 3 seromas that had to be drained. I would do it all over again after seeing my 26 inch waist and VERY flat tummy!!
   — Patty H.

April 21, 2004
Carly, I think it depends on how long you've been overweight as well as the fact that you have not bear children (which is a stretching experience) I have 5 kids was overweight for 7 years but I won't need a tummy tuck or plastic surgery (some due to genetics). Even while being obese I had good muscle tone. Gravity does creep in but utimately, the choice is yours regarding plastic surgery
   — Anna M.

April 21, 2004
My story is similar. I started at 255, age 50. I was thinking last year I was going to be one that didnt need an plastics. But alas after the last 25 pounds I began to sag. i weigh 128 and this Friday morning I am going under the and breast lift, I need thighs, too....but at self pay...maybe next year.
   — Connie M.

April 22, 2004
Flat? I doubt it but it will depend on a lot of factors..the not having kids is good, but how long were you overweight? The less time overweight the better. Do you smoke? If so, not good. Your age works against you too..I think if you currently have a little roll, it will stay there when you finish losing weight. I started fairly close to you, age 45,5'3-249,never had kids, 2 years ago, and do have a remaining small roll.
   — Cindy R.

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