HI..I'm a little over a year out and have 25 moore lbs. to gp

I'm totally stuck and cannot lose weight. I exercise, eat right, eat protein and drink lots of water. My question is, has anyone tried Michael Turmond's 6 week body makeover kit. I was it last night on tv but not sure if it's right for RNY patients. Will it work for us? Any feedback would be much appreciated. Thanks    — KellyL (posted on April 5, 2004)

April 5, 2004
Kelly, I went to your profile to see why you were having a hard time losing weight, to see how long it had been since you lost, if perhaps you were already at a low weight, or considering you are only a year out-perhaps your body is on a plateau, or had let carbs slip back in, or weren't doing cardio exercise, or not eating enough calories a day, etc, etc, but nothing post-op in your profile at all... It would help us long termers to help you if you kept it updated. As for Michael Thurman I did try his body makeover program as a pre-op. The best part was the exercise program. Its pretty good and uses the rubber band -alot of resistance. Have you tried the South Beach diet? Alot of the longer term post-ops over at the graduate group swear by it to get the weight moving again.
   — Cindy R.

April 5, 2004
Kelly- I am one of those post-ops who have never experienced a plateau because as soon as the weight loss slowed, I immediately upped my protein intake and dramatically reduced the carbs. After a few days of at least 80 grams of protein and less than 20 grams of carb, the weight loss picked up; at which time I gradually increased my carb intake (to about 40-50 grams per day). Following this method, I lost over half of my starting weight in less than 1 year and have been maintaining a very comfortable goal weight (actually, it is a lot less than I had planned as my goal weight) for the past couple of months. So, don't despair and don't feel that you need to order some special diet/exercise program to get the weight loss re-started. Good luck.
   — SteveColarossi

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