Patients of Dr Katkhuda

I have completed my surgeon consult with Dr. Katkhuda on Jan 8,He informed me that I have to wait until his office call me for a surgery date. So how long is the wait for a date?? 4 months or longer?? Anyone of Dr. K pre or post can help me But anyone please feel free to answer!---- Thanks * Rd *    — Ruschell (posted on January 11, 2004)

January 11, 2004
Hello Ruschell, I have to say that I am a pre-op myself and from what I have read when you get a surgery date depends on quite a few things. For one I know that all or at least most of all of the pre-op testing must be done. Secondly your Doctor's office must have all of the paper work including your pre-op test results before submitting to your insurance company. Thirdly all of this depends on you and the staff at your Dr.'s office. You have to make sure you that you get your tests done and get the results yourself because alot of times they say that they will fax over or mail your results to your Dr.'s office but then you find that they haven't. So you have to stay on top of that. So finally after you have that part completed where all of your paper work has been submitted to your Dr.'s office...then it is up to your Dr.'s office staff to send the paperwork to your insurance company. Then depending on how your Dr.'s office staff is it could take a day, days, or a week for them to send it off. Sometimes you have to call them to stay on top of them. Then after waiting on them you have to wait on the insurance company to process your paper work again depending on who you are dealing with it could take a day, days or weeks. Then this is it...once they have done their job your date will be scheduled according to your surgeons next available date. So I guess in a all depends on who's hands its in. Be Blessed!!!! Kim
   — Kimberly G.

January 12, 2004
Thank you so much Kim, I will stay on top of the game! God Bless!
   — Ruschell

January 17, 2004
I met with Dr. Katkhouda in January and my surgery was schedule with him for January 29. For personal reasons, I recently made the decision to have an Open with his colleague, Dr. Sillin. Dr. Katkhouda is scheduling surgerys 9 - 12 months out from now, and trust me, there is nothing you can do to have it moved up. He does have a great group of pre and post ops who are on a MSN listserve. You can find it through his website. Good luck and hang in really is worth the wait!
   — Stacy E.

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