How will I know if I have a stricture?

I am 22 days post-op and obviously there are times when I eat in which I am really uncomfortable or when I eat too much or food gets stuck between my breasts, etc. When will I know if I develop a stricture? Sorry if I am being a worrywort, I guess I just wanna be "aware"...    — Amy E. (posted on November 14, 2003)

November 13, 2003
If you feel like you might have a stricture, talk to you doctor and have an EGD scheduled. I have had 2 strictures and I was not able to eat without it feeling like the food was stuck and then throwing up. When I told my surgeon my symptoms he told me he thought it was a stricture and had me scheduled for an EGD with balloon dilatation. The first time did not do the trick but the second one I had seems to have opened it up. Hope this helps.
   — Checker B.

November 14, 2003
I think if you're worried should definetely call your surgeon. I sometimes have a problem where food get stuck right between my breasts, too, and have to throw it up. I'm 3 months post-op. However, it's mostly my own fault. It's usually when I'm stressed out, or hurrying too much, and I know I've taken too big a bite, or not chewed well. I'd pay attention to the sitution when this happens, and maybe you'll solve your own problem. If it happens EVERY time, regardless, I would call your doctor right away. Good luck!
   — Angie M.

November 15, 2003
Hi Amy, I have had 3 strictures. You know you have one when it is very painful to eat OR drink anything, and not even liquids will stay down. I am 3-months post-op. Call your doctor if you start vomiting when you eat or drink! If you DO have a stricture, you have an endoscopy (EGD) in which they open up your gastric outlet. You will be very sedated, so you don't really know it is happening. Please be careful and be healthy! Cindy
   — cbuchanan

November 16, 2003
Hi! I've had 5 strictures...My symptoms felt painfully stuck in my chest even though I was taking small bites,chewing well and eating slowly.I was burping constantly and the gas felt like it was trapped in my chest.I started off with occasional vomiting that gradually increased to vomiting up everything I ate or drank.My stoma had completely closed so I was even vomiting up my saliva.An endoscopy is a simple outpatient procedure so if you even suspect a stricture you should have one done as it is very easy to get dehydrated.
   — jennifer A.

November 21, 2003
I am the queen of strictures. I've had 7 of them in 5 months. My symptoms were exactly like Cindy and Jennifer. I've been scoped and dilated 7 times. Also just had a melon size hernia removed a week ago. It's been rough, but, I am down 85 pounds in 5 months. Thank God for that!!! Take care and if you feel the symptoms, schedule an EGD. God Bless and best of luck on your wt.loss, Kathy Open RNY, June 23, 2003
   — Kathy R.

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