Is it normal 4wks out to have burning and numness?
the Dr. took out my tube last week, then a few days later the area around where the tube was burningand for the last few daysreally bad i thought made i was have an reaction to the tape cause it was red where the tape was. i stoped useing the tape 2days ago and it still hurts. Help! — charity N. (posted on October 15, 2003)
October 15, 2003
Could be nothing, could be an infection. A hot/burning feeling and redness
are often signs of infection. They can also be signs of healing. Annoying,
huh? Best to call your doc and tell him what's up. He may want to take a
October 15, 2003
Could be an infection. Best to get it checked by your doctor. Is there any
oozing? When I heal, the area is itchy, not burning. Push the protein as
much as possible. This helps with the healing process. I have not had
surgery yet but had a lower calf infection last year that landed me in
surgery twice and two stays in the hospital from the ER.Take care and best
— Barbara D.
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