I have completed my O.N. sleep study...

I saw my PCP,yes I have sleep apena. Now my PCP want to see me next month. I want to get show on the road...What will be consider next when I see him next month? ask for a PFT? or see a dietiancin? I know it's too soon for labs?..what a girl to do ~RD~    — Ruschell (posted on October 12, 2003)

October 13, 2003
Well, good that you had the sleep study done now. My surgeon wants his apnea patients on the CPAP machine 4-6 weeks prior to WLS. I also did a PFT, took a diabetes screening blood test, and had an EKG. Do you have a surgeon yet? He/She can tell you what tests should be done. You will also need to get insurance approval. Good luck to you.
   — Dragonfly2B2

October 13, 2003
thank you so much!! Well, I have not picked a doctor yet. So I will discuss that, on the next visit :) my pcp do support the WLS- That's great. And I finish my 6 month diet history from W.W. So am all set to get the show on the road....Thanks again <><><><>
   — Ruschell

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