Hi..i am 6 1/2 mos out and recently have been experiencing pain in my stomach

It has happened 3 times in the past month and I don't know what it is. It hurts even when i put the slightest amount of pressure on my stomach. It's right where I believe my new pouch is but extends all the way across my belly. It subsides by itself usually within 2 hours. Anyone else experience this? Sometimes my belly is a little hard too. Do you think this is just gas? What can we take over the counter for gas?? Any chance this is gallbladder related? Thanks!    — KellyL (posted on October 11, 2003)

October 11, 2003
I started having bad pain such as you describe all the way across my upper abd. My doc ran all the gallbladder tests and did a CT scan and could find nothing wrong. my pcp prescribed zantac 200mg per day and THAT pain has stopped. I recently have been having severe pain in my left rib cage and on the left side of my upper abd. Same thing again, CT scan showed nothing but stool. he determined I was constipated. No way, my bowels have been moving once a day ever since surgery. So, I am sorry i don't have an answer for you. Just wanted you to know you are not alone. It could be gas and we can take Gax-X for it but the best thing to do is contact your surgeon. I did fine with eating and pain and everything until about five months out, Now I have the stomach pain of one kind or another and can hardly eat anything. But what do you do when the surgeon says nothing is wrong. Everytime I call my pcp he says call my surgeon.
   — Delores S.

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