Craving cinnamon. Anybody know what I might need?
I am always wanting food with cinnamon in it or on it, and I never much cared for it before surgery. Could I be lacking something in my nutrients that is causing this craving? Thanks for your help! — joeandteri (posted on October 3, 2003)
October 3, 2003
Vitamin K -- I did some research on this a while back because I went
through a MASSIVE cinnamon crave (and wasn't pregnant). I discovered that
it was vitamin K that I was in desperate need of!! LOL! Go figure!!
— Sharon m. B.
October 3, 2003
Sharon, you're a GENIUS! but I already knew that. Once again you've came
thru with pertinent info to help someone, and it's a difficult question at
that. I don't know how you do it, but I'm glad that you do. This is good
info to know. Thanks!
— bufordslipstick
October 4, 2003
Why not have some cinnamon!
Swedish Nuts
1 egg white slightly beaten
2 cups pecans, or any other nut
1/3 granulated Splenda
2 tsp. cinnamon
Mix nuts with egg white, sprinkle Splenda and cinnamon over top and mix,
coat nuts well. Spread on cookie sheet sprayed with Pam. Bake at 300
degrees for 30 minutes. Cool and store in air tight bag.
— Gail O.
October 4, 2003
K?? How interesting about a week ago I found myself eatring cinammn with
splenda like it was going out of style. I had a upset stomach for several
days from a cold and my vitamins made me ill:( As soon as I was back on the
vitamins this craving went away. Now I know what it is.<P> My PCP
says cravings are our bodies way to get what we need.
— bob-haller
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