Do some people dump so much they cannot go back to work?

   — Sarah L. (posted on June 18, 2003)

June 18, 2003
I wouldn't see where dumping would be a disability since it is entirely controlled by the diet that you are on. If you don't eat sweets and don't eat high-fat foods, then you shouldn't dump...JR
   — John Rushton

June 18, 2003
I have never dumped. My sister who is 6 weeks out has. She said it was weird. She tried to eat pizza...can you imagine that?! Well she started off with a pain high in her chest, she felt clammy and shaky. She did throw up, but she said it was EASY! It just came up so easy and not that horrible taste like you usually have. She said she had to go lay down for about 20 minutes and then it all passed. Wonder if she will do THAT again? ;) The worse that happens to me is I get kind of sleepy and yawny for abut 15 minutes if I consume too much sugar. I try NOT to do that, however. Good luck to you. Open RNY 10/30/02 and down 160 lbs.
   — Ginger M.

June 18, 2003
Have you talked to your surgeon and/or dietitian about this? If not, I hope you do right away. I am assuming it is you having the problem. Keep a food diary of what you eat, how you feel. You may find a common denominator that is triggering the problem. Food intolerances can cause flu like symtoms from mild to severe. I have the worse case of what appears to be the flu when I eat oranges. It can last 1 or 2 hours. Then is gone. When I was lactose intolerant, I would feel awful (and I mean awful)with flu like symtoms if I ate any type of dairy (that include milk, ice cream, butter, margarine, whey). It is amazing what hidden ingredients there are in what we eat. The doctor had recommended an antacid for me to take ... turned out it had a lactose product (don't remember now what) so whenever I took it, it made me sooooo sick. Hope you find out what is causing the problems for you.
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 18, 2003
That is entirely up to you. If you don't eat sugar and high fat foods, you won't "dump". You can feel nauseous at the beginning though, no matter what you eat, so take things to work that you know will sit well on your tummy.
   — mom2jtx3

June 19, 2003
I, at 5 months, still seem to be very sensitive. I've dumped on 100% fruit juice, carrots & ranch dip, protein bars, protein shakes, pizza, McDonalds french fries, part of a Arby's chicken finger and a few fries, and I'm sure other things that I'm not remembering off of the top of my head. Not everyone 'dumps' on just sugar or fat. My nurse told me that true dumping is an insulin response to carbohydrates, and that too many of any kind of carb can do it for some people. I wouldn't think it should keep one from going back to work though. I'm a stay at home, homeschooling, mom of three, and avoid trying any new foods until dinner when my hubby is home so I can go lay down (more like pass out sometimes) if need be. I learned early on not to 'experiment' with new things during the day or when out in public. I can now even go away for a weekend without long as I take 'safe' foods with me.
   — eaamc

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