Can anyone recomend a WLS knowledgable PCP in the San Jose/South Bay area?

I had my lap RNY in September and have realized that my primary care doctor just dosn't know enough about WLS to fill my needs at this time. I'm having dizzy spells and I don't want to go see a PCP who won't understand how that may or may not be related to my WLS. Does anyone have a smart and helpful PCP to recomend? Anywhere in the South Bay (Northern CA) would be great! Thanks.    — Amber L. (posted on April 7, 2003)

April 7, 2003
Good luck..I also live in San Jose and cannot find a doctor knowlegeable enough..When I had to go in the hospital for a week none of the doctors on staff knew about it either!! I had to keep reminding the nurses I could not have sugar and I could NOT swallow pills whole..It was very frustrating..By the way you are doing really well with your weight loss..Congratulations!!! I had open RNY a year ago and have lost 115 pounds and I think I am about through...
   — Suzanne S.

April 7, 2003
Hi Amber, I just emailed you! I didn't read all of your profile before sending the email to see that we have the same surgeon! Lynn
   — Lynn W.

April 7, 2003
Have you tried Stanford University? It's not far from you. Call Stanford Medical Group, it's a group of Internal Medicine doctors I use to work with. I know they do RNY surgery so they must have PCP's who follow these patients. Good Luck, Rebecca
   — Rebecca L.

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