
I'm 6 weeks post op and did not have a problem until today. I ate my lunch, took two bites of sea bass and almost immediately got the pain that radiates to the back, so I stopped eating. I thought the fish was prepared with too much oil so I thought it might be that. The pain persisted for about an hour and a half, drank some water and threw up only foam and water. Then I felt fine. What causes this?? I've talked to many post ops and they say that this happens sometimes. OK, but what is it?    — janice L. (posted on March 25, 2003)

March 25, 2003
This happened to me also.......... It was the "foam" that threw me! I had a stricture. It came on all of a sudden and I could not even hold down water. Call you doctor, because it this is the problem, you could dehydrate. Good Luck!
   — Phiddy B.

March 25, 2003
I used to have the same thing happen and it was a stricture. I had 3 endoscopies in about 2 months. But from the last one in July last year I've had no problem. I wouldn't trade this surgery for anything. The foam will either stop on it's own or you need to call your surgeon. Take care.
   — kysunshine

March 25, 2003
I am so glad you asked this question! Last night I had a small portion of salmon, ate too fast and within a half hour had pain & vomited thick white foam. This has only happened 3 times and I have never had a stricture as I have been fine after. My surgeon did not have any answers. I think our pouch must start to hyper-excrete, I have thought of asking a doctor during one of the chats here on this site. I hope we get an explaination. I would like to understand this. Not to be gross but I have never seen vomit like this (I am a nurse). Post-op RNY 4.5 mos.
   — cathy G.

March 25, 2003
I have had this happen many times (unfortunately). I DO NOT HAVE A STRICTURE (not yelling here just emphasis)I think it is your stomach is"unhappy" and starts to make spit or whatever to "Coat" the offending substance in. Then, it is too gassy and too much volume for our stomachs and it comes up. Just my hairbrained theory!
   — Kristy J.

March 25, 2003
I know what your talking about!! From what I was told, your stomach produces a mucus when your full to help with digestion. I find that if I get too full, or eat too fast and fill up my pouch to quickly, and I have to throw up, this is what I throw up first. It used to be foam, but now that I'm 19 months out, it's more like mucus (sorry that's gross!)....
   — lily1968

March 26, 2003
Hi! I had this happen to me too! I found out it was from eating chicken that had sugar in it. It was sesame chicken, but I also had it happen from eating food with too much fat in it.
   — Rose Morello-Schechter

March 26, 2003
We don't have all of that stomach acid that we once did. You are in teh same boat as many of us- its completely normal though. That foamy, frothy mess is annoying...Good luck to you!...Karen (lap rny -6 months post-op, down 119 pounds)
   — karmiausnic

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