Is it true that we become more at risk for cancer after WLS?

Is it true that we become more at risk for cancer since we don't absorb vitamins and minerals as good after surgery? I heard someplace we were at a higher risk? If so, what are the odds?    — Angie L. (posted on February 14, 2003)

February 13, 2003
I never thought about it but I would'nt be surprised. I keep having many different health problems that keep cropping up now. There seems to be no end to them. So I would'nt be at all surprised if cancer is a bigger risk. I'm not sure though that the RNY has been performed long enough that all the risks are known at this point.
   — Danmark

February 14, 2003
I asked my surgeon before surgery and he said absolutely NOT! There is no evidence of any kind that this is true. Don't worry.
   — cjabates

February 14, 2003
With this surgery we will practically elimanate GERD - so our chances of getting Esphogeal Cancer should be nil. With the elimination all the eroding stomach acids in our stomachs that should be nil too. But I do wonder about Liver and Kidney Cancers. The rest should be the same for all people. Sally, Harrison, MI
   — Sally P.

February 14, 2003
You are at increased risk for getting cancer when you are overweight. I have heard some statistics that that is an increased risk for some other types of cancer after this surgery, but who knows. Either way, just being alive puts you at risk for cancer. In fact, it has been said that if you live long enough ALL people will develop some kind of cancer.
   — stephanie Y.

February 14, 2003
Poppycock! Balderdash! Horse hockey! Don't confuse WLS with problems associated with normal aging, prior years of obesity, genetics, other so-called bad lifestyle choices, and just plain bad luck.
   — Suzy C.

February 14, 2003
just rumors!! however if i get cancer now i will not fit into the catscan machines to have tests doen ,so at least if i have wls i will fit into the xray machines to find it!!!
   — janetc00

February 14, 2003
My doctor told me that a high protein diet is one cause of colon cancer. He advised me to be checked on a regulat basis. He requires a colon test prior to surgery, if we have not had one in recent years--this does depend on your age. Also I just saw a special on TV about colon cancer, and they did say a high protein diet is supected in colon cancer. Make your own decision. I feel it is just one more fact to keep in mind after surgery.
   — barbara A.

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