Has anyone else had problems taking their meds after surgery?

I have only been able to keep my meds for manic depression, anxiety, and panic attacks down 2-3 days a week until I developed a uti(urinary tract infection) Nov. 24. The pain with the uti was worse than after surgery! I went to the ER on the 26th and they gave me an antibiotic and told me to follow up with my PCP which I did because I couldnt keep the antibiotics down 2 minutes. My PCP gave me an rx for some different antibiotics and I couldnt keep them down either. I called her nurse and told her what was going on and asked if I could have a shot of antibiotics or if they would just put me in the hospital on an IV so I could get rid of this, she called me back and said my doc wanted me to try one more pill before she did anything else. Of course, I couldnt keep it down either and ended up going to the urgent care dept. at my medical clinic where this nice doc gave me a shot of antibiotics-FINALLY!! I am scared it is going to get bad again because he said it only lasts for 24 hours and for me to follow up with my PCP. Needless to say since all this started(11/24) I havent been able to keep any of the meds for the manic depression, anxiety, & panic attacks down and I am losing my mind! I have left 3 messages with my Psychiatrist this past week and he didnt return my calls. I am on a fixed income and have just spent 200.00 on rx's that I couldnt use. I am so depressed it is unreal. I guess I am just going to have to find a new PCP and Psychiatrist. By the way, I have tried crushing the pills in food, some crackers before I take them, you name it I tried it. I even tried the liquid form of the meds and that didnt work either. What am I to do??    — Angie L. (posted on December 14, 2002)

December 14, 2002
hiya. i don't have an answer to your actual question but i'm wondering if they've found what's causing you to vomit? what are the size of your pills? i was on depakote and prozac for manic depression and when i went back on post op, i went onto the smalled dose so the pills were small and that worked ok. btw at 14 mos post op i went off all manic depression meds and have been fine! also, i know for me, if i start throwing up its very difficult to get my stomach settled enough to tolerate ANYTHING so its like a vicious cycle ... i know this sounds gross but there is a suppository that the docs can give you for nausea....its great because it doesn't go in your mouth and it really helps. i don't remember the name, sorry, but i do know it works. you might try that until your stomach can tolerate pills. good luck, kate open rny 6-14-01 pre op: 268lbs goal: 135lbs current: 126lbs
   — jkb

December 15, 2002
Please don't get off your meds. I had my surgery 5 weeks ago and stoped taking Trileptal for manic depression. I saw my psychiatrist and he immediatly told me to get on it again. I told him I felt fine, but he said that was the reason to keep taking them. I also take meds for panic attacks, they are tiny (clonopin) and very easy to swollow. Paxil is another story...I tried crushing it and it tastes horrible. Now I just cut them into tiny tiny pieces. Whatever you not get off your meds unless your doctor approves. This is one of the biggest problems with manic-deppression....we feel fine so we stop taking the meds.....then we have an episode of mania or severe depression. Please don't let this happen to you. If you had diabetes would you stop taking insulin??? You have a chemical imbalance and need to take your meds. Go to your psychiatrist and ask him what to do. They often have samples that you can try if you can't afford to keep buying them. Ask about Trileptal, it is a great med with very few side effects for manic-depression. Good luck with this. :-)
   — esmeraldas7

December 15, 2002
I hate to be rude but, where in my question does it state that I quit taking my meds???? It states that I cant keep them down(or any other meds) and my Psychiatrist wont return my calls regarding this problem.
   — Angie L.

December 15, 2002
Angie, You are right you did not state that you were getting off your meds. I appologize for being rude. I saw the post before mine where the poster said she had gotten off her meds and was scared that you may want to try this. I was way out of line. I am truly sorry. Sincerely, Denise
   — esmeraldas7

July 6, 2003
I take my meds with a small can of V8, the thickness/viscosity makes it much easier for the pills to go down. I use one can for the whole day and it's what's working for me.
   — Meg L.

July 6, 2003
I had a horrible time taking meds following surgery for a couple of months. Just couldn't get them to go down regardless of the size. I tried crushing and it was awful. I finally came upon the solution of taking the meds with a small spoonful of crushed pineapple, one pill at a time and it worked like a charm. After about 6 months I could take them again with water with no problems.
   — Cathy S.

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