Need Suggestions

for getting the required amount of water in really getting desperte.    — Jacquelyn F. (posted on November 27, 2002)

November 26, 2002
What helped me get started on drinking all my water was adding Crystal Lite Decaffinated Ice Tea. Also I found adding ice makes drinking easier. Good luck, it really does get better.
   — barbara A.

November 26, 2002
I just wanted to second what Barbara Ann said. Decaf Crystal Light Iced Tea. I can't do water, except immediately after exercise. Otherwise, forget it. I live on the decaf Iced Tea. It's very good. Must add ice. I fill one of those 20oz. water bottles every night and bring it to work with me every day and it stays cold all day long. I'm not getting the require 64 oz. every day, but I'm getting much closer, and certainly better than a few months ago.
   — KelBurt

November 26, 2002
I drink a lot of diet Snapple. But be aware that the diet Snapple teas contain caffeine.
   — Roxanne M.

November 27, 2002
You can also save a bit of money by making your own decaf iced tea. Most grocery stores carry decaf tea bags (Red Rose or Tetley or Lipton or a store brand)brew your tea and sweeten each glass to taste with splenda or nutrasweet. If I buy Crystal Light I get the pink grapefrui or raspberry ice for a treat. Hard in cold weather, but popsicles will help you get your water in too. Broth, boullion.. anything that is caffeine free can count as 'water'. I had to get used to the habit of having a water bottle with me at all times so that sipping has become pretty much an unconscious act. Best of luck to you! ~Peace
   — Joscelin

November 27, 2002
When drinking water was hard for me, I used snowcones. has lots of great sugar free, carb free flavors and reasonably priced snowcone machines.
   — Amber L.

November 27, 2002
I don't HAVE to have flavored water all the time and sometimes I do crave just plain cold water but usually I live on sugar-free Tang and Crystal Light lemonade.
   — Pamela R.

November 27, 2002
In the early stages of post op I found it easier to drink warm water rather than cold. It went down much easier. However, popsicles also worked. It just seemed that the sudden rush of cold water was uncomfortable. Also, might want to try sugar-free hot chocolate. Very good!
   — Scott L.

November 27, 2002
with water and most beverages I preferred them either frozen solid (diet root beer in cubes) or room temperature (especially water!) or hot (tea, coffee, etc.). I had trouble with cold beverages for some reason, but not frozen. Weird lol
   — [Deactivated Member]

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