I am having open rny on Dec. 19.

My questions are: Will I feel up to celebrating Christmas with my Family (wife and three small girls) in 6 days post op? How long do most take off for work. I am a minister so I do not have a physically strenuous job. Thanks for the advice    — gary F. (posted on October 30, 2002)

October 30, 2002
I had an open RNY on 10/22/02. I was just being released on 10/27/02 from the hospital. I could hardly get up. Everyone feels different.
   — J. W.

October 30, 2002
I had Open RNY 10/1 and came home from the hospital 3 days later. I was walking on the treadmill the following day for 10 minutes 2 times a day...I felt great after and didnt take anything for pain once I was home..I hope you have the same recovery..if you do your Christmas will be wonderful! Good Luck!
   — Holly K.

October 30, 2002
I am having surgery on the same date and worried about this also, I am having lap. Dec 19th was a cancellation if I don't take the date I am probly not going to get to have lap procedure Kasier only has one lap surgeon and even to have open would be a three to four month wait Good Luck Wish you all the best Kathy
   — kathy B.

October 30, 2002
Christmas will still be OK you just won't enjoy the food yet. How you are feeling and how much time to take off depends on if you are lap or open. I had lap rny, i was shopping in the mall in less than a week and back to work within 14 days. I have four kids and I was fine taking care of them within a week. Read my profile for more.
   — Linda A.

October 30, 2002
Gary, I had open rny dec 18th 01, I remember not really caring to much about the holidays since my surgery was so close to xmas, I was also in a different state, san diego califor and i live in las vegas nv...We went site seeing that day thats how we celebrated I was too tired and weak from the surgery to really travel to far or care...try and see how u feel some bounce right into the swing of things and some dont...Just take it one day at a time...Good luck with ur surgery and I will keep you in my thougts and prayers.. also you can read how i felt in my profile just scroll down to dec 18th and so on......btw 10.5 months out feeling awesome yippy!!
   — Deanna Wise

October 30, 2002
Hi Gary, The fact that everybody heals differently is SOOOO true! You will just need to take it one day at a time. I was sore for a couple of weeks. A 15 inch pillow was my best friend. Something a nursing assistant told me in the hospital, stuck, and I never realized I didn't already do it. "Make sure you bend your knees when sitting down." It won't hurt near as much! As far as celebrating Christmas, just enjoy the music, and your surroundings, and watching everybody open their gifts. I can't tell you about going back to work, I have a strenous job and waited 7 weeks, and only 20 hours the first week. (I start back this Sunday). I do know you probabally won't want to drive, and the doctor should tell you to wait until your post-op visit to clear you to drive. Play it by ear, and don't do too much too soon. Preachers are VERY busy people and always on the run. Take time to heal!
   — Tammy .

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