Kepro requesting information on psychological support sytem, both pre and

post-operatively. My surgeon doesn't have any groups, will my support from my wonderful friends at AMOS and yahoo groups count? If not any suggestions. They also want me to enroll in some type of eating disorder therapy program with promise to continue after surgery for optimum success, would my weekly-monthly follow up's with the surgeon qualify?    — Bev B. (posted on September 18, 2002)

September 18, 2002
Beverly, I don't have that answer for you, but, a suggestion...Why not start your own support group. I am sure you are not your surgeon's only patient and his others would welcome this support group as well since he does not offer one. I believe the support groups are one of the key ingredients in long term success of this TOOL. Good Luck!
   — heathercross

September 19, 2002
Remember your firends and family count as part of your support system. This site also counts. Have you had any particular contact with someone from the site? Do you have an Angel? If not, get one and list this as part of your support. List everyone that you speak to regularly who has had WLS. Mention that this site has a 24 hour chat room. I don't think they will count your monthly follow ups as therapy. But, all you have to do is join overeaters annomous or some other group like that. OA is free.
   — Amber L.

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