When does ketosis actually start.....

I have been smelling odd smells lately and what are my chances of getting a hernia if I had open RNY?    — TP (posted on August 28, 2002)

August 28, 2002
PLEASE know that it is possible to get a hernia. I'm probably a worse case scenario, but I'm just today home from a major hernia repair. The hernia came up literally overnight and I tremble to think what could have happened had I not recognized it as a hernia, based on the information from my surgeon and reading about it here online. I think is is not at all uncommon to get one, but the usual course would be a small incisional hernia that doesn't require emergency surgery, unless there is a risk of strangulation or bowel obstruction. But by understanding and educating yourself on all possible complications and knowing what to do if something does happen, most hernias (or any complication)are fairly minor. My surgeon says 10 to 15% of open RNY's will get one. So the odds are good that you won't get a hernia, but if you do, just know what to do (get to doctor as soon as you reasonable can) and discuss options. Blessing on you! Marla.
   — Marla H.

August 28, 2002
I had to laugh at your question--only because you threw me such a curve when you mentioned the hernia in the same ssentence as the ketosis question. Anyway, your answer the ketosis question is that you are in it. You just had surgery 2 weeks ago, so you are in heavy duty ketosis right now. Don't worry--it will pass. If you'd like to keep track of your ketones, you can buy Ketostix at any pharmacy. Pass it through a stream of your urine and it will register how high your ketone levels are. It is not healthy to remain in extremely high levels of ketosis, so make sure you're getting all your fluids. This will dilute them enough to keep you from damaging your kidneys. <p>As far as "part 2" of your question - it is possible to get a hernia even much later as a post-op. Marla is a perfect example of this. I also know a woman who was 6 months post-op when she heaved a 25 pound bag of dog food on her shoulder and ended up giving herself a hernia. So, just be careful. Sometimes no matter how careful you are, it just happens. Others like myself (I'm one year post-op) are very fortunate and have suffered no hernias. <p>I wish you the best in weight loss success. God bless!
   — artistmama

August 28, 2002
I take exception to the last poster's comment. Please correct me if I am wrong...How can you possibly know if someone else is in ketosis? Ketosis is not an automatic state that one falls into following WLS- it is a function of having your body use your own fat or protein for fuel rather than converting carbohydrates for fuel. It is certainly possible for a newly post-op person to avoid ketosis altogether if he/she consumes sugar and/or carbohydrates. The only real way to know if you are in ketosis is to use the Keto stix/urine and see how blue you are.
   — Rebecca T.

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